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"Are you sure you want to move out of the Hangar?" Strawberry Crepe Cookie asks (C/F) Cookie for the fifth time in the past ten minutes.

"Yes. I spent four moons in a lab, surviving off nothing but coffee. By choice. I should not live in the place I work." (C/F) Cookie responds with exactly what they've said before.

"Fine..." The small Cookie grumbles, kicking their foot in annoyance.

"Besides, he's moving in with you, so you'll still have a roommate." They gesture to Espresso Cookie. "You should charge him twice the rent you charged me."

"That sounds like a great idea!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie adds to the joke.

Both of them snicker as Espresso Cookie chokes on the coffee he was drinking. He eyes them with annoyance before adjusting his glasses and chiming into their conversation. "Speaking of which, (C/F) Cookie, how DID you manage to convert such ancient parts into such advanced machinery. I looked over your notes and they were... nonsensical at best."

"I will be completely honest," they pause, glancing at the giant machine they had built, "I have no idea."

"He was going on and on yesterday about how it works better than the one in the Republic." Strawberry Crepe Cookie reveals. "It was really annoying."

(C/F) Cookie howls with laughter.

"Yes, yes, laugh all you want. But we will have to see how it fares against the Soul Jam." He rolls his eyes and averts his gaze.

(C/F) Cookie checks the clock, "Oh, I need to get going." Pulling the door open, they call back into the Hangar, "Let me know if you find any more of my stuff randomly lying around!"

"Have fun on your date!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie replies before they close the door.

Rolling their eyes, (C/F) Cookie strolls over to the castle garden. It was rather nice to pass through the streets and watch as Cookies, and the occasional Jelly Bear, moved about the street. This place is more like a home than they ever expected it to be.

Just as they arrive at the garden entrance, a bluebird flies down to greet them. The small bird holds out a letter in its beak, letting (C/F) Cookie take it before flying off somewhere else. Stepping inside, they rip open the envelope and read the letter inside.

"They've replied already?" Pure Vanilla Cookie asks, greeting them from the bench.

"Yep." (C/F) Cookie folds up the letter from Roommate Cookie. They had finally sent them a letter about a week ago telling them how they were doing, and about the letters from Graham. "Said they're staying with their cousin, Flatmate Cookie, pretty close to the palace. So if you ever want an excuse to visit Hollyberry Cookie..." They sit on the bench beside him.

He laughs, "I'll keep it in mind, though I'm certain she is rather busy with matters of her own Kingdom, and possibly with missions we discussed during the Council."

"Makes sense. She doesn't seem like a Cookie who enjoys a quiet life." They shrug.

"Yes, it is always one adventure to the next with her." He sighs and chuckles fondly. He ponders something before jolting in realization. He had definitely forgotten why they were there until just now, "Oh! I almost forgot! This way." He takes their hand, his other grabbing his staff, as he leaps to his feet.

Laughing, (C/F) Cookie follows him as he leads the way through the garden. Passing rows of flowers, bushes, and trees, they gasp as the garden suddenly curves into a circular clearing with an ornate gazebo with a small table set for the two of them. "Has this been here the whole time?"

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