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The next few days pass by with a blur. Given the sheer number of broken wafflebots, (C/F) Cookie had surprisingly little to do. They were kind of glad to actually serve an assisting role to Strawberry Crepe Cookie's tinkering. They could ask stupid questions about the wafflebots and get enthusiastic answers from a Cookie who clearly loves them more than anything.

They jokingly asked if the kid had given them names then they were literally introduced to each and every single one individually and given the reasons behind the names. ...They concluded that this kid needs more friends.

But other than the weird, familial relationship Strawberry Crepe Cookie has with these machines it was pretty simple. Work, eat, lie awake staring at the ceiling, wish they had something to read, maybe sleep, repeat. Maybe they'd take Pure Vanilla Cookie up on that offer to use the Castle library.

"Hey, do you mind if I go out for a bit?" (C/F) Cookie calls to Strawberry Crepe Cookie, already moving towards the door.

The expected "I don't care" makes them call back their usual "Ok, I'll be back later" as they close the door behind them.

Now, to get books. He said to talk to a bird, right? They hadn't really gotten close to one, and they might look crazy just talking to a bird. Maybe they could go find that Cookie who keeps coming up? What's their name... Black Raisin Cookie? Something like that. Better yet, they'll just run into Pure Vanilla Cookie in the street! They don't even know what they're supposed to do!

They end up wandering back to the town square and staring at the statue of the (apparently) former king. He looks very different without his hat. Well, not really, but it makes him look more impressive than his dorky attitude when talking about books or his time at Blueberry Yogurt. He also just feels shorter without it.

That last thought makes them snicker.

"Huh? Hello." A Cookie with a cloak pinned over one shoulder and a crow on the other approaches them, "I don't think I've seen you before." Her hair is pulled back in a jagged ponytail and one of her eyes looks to be able to pierce to the very soul.

"Oh, hey. I don't think I've ever seen you either." They turn to her. Her obviously local (apparently former "Village") appearance as well as the crow makes them wonder, "Are you Black Raisin Cookie?"

"Oh! Uh, ahem, yes." She flushes and presses her hand to her face to hide as she tries to regain her composure of being recognized by a stranger.

"I'm (C/F) Cookie." They figure it's probably best to not be weird about this, "I've heard your name mentioned with the crows so I kind of figured..."

"Oh." She holds her bandage covered arm out for her crow friend to perch there. It looks to be the same one from the Crow's Nest that took the raisin bun. "Yeah... the crows are my friends." She smiles faintly at the one on her arm. These two are a perfect duo.

"Sorry, were you in the middle of something?" (C/F) Cookie glances around with a frown.

"Oh, um..." The look on her face drops in disheartenment. "Sort of..." Her crow's wing reaches to comfort her.

"I didn't mean to disturb you." They frown.

"No, it's fine!" Black Raisin Cookie says quickly, "I'm just..."

"...?" Is this possible about all those plates at the Crow's Nest? They don't really want to pry, but she looks so upset. "...Could I help?" They shrug. It would be awkward to just ask for her help and then leave it at that.

"I—!" She gasps, "You would?"

"Yeah, sure. I have plenty of time." They shrug. The castle will still be there tomorrow. Hopefully...

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