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The next few days felt more exhausting than usual. (C/F) Cookie wasn't sure if they could get coffee at all in this kingdom, so they were powering through full days after nights they couldn't sleep with absolutely nothing but sheer will and it was horrible. On top of that, Strawberry Crepe Cookie's interest in doing their own little projects seemed to double at least daily and they couldn't keep up with the kid's enthusiasm. So by the time they got a moment to themself, all they wanted to do was sleep–even if they just ended up lying in bed.

"Your energy levels are lower than normal..." Strawberry Crepe Cookie points out to them one morning.

"...I noticed." They say flatly, nodding. How could they not?

"But none of my diagnostics say you're sick..." The child ignores them, resting a hand on their chin and scrunching up their face in thought. Of course they had run those.

"Do I have to be sick to be exhausted...?" This isn't that unusual an occurrence. It's been worse before, in fact it always is in the weeks leading up to and after they receive their annual rejection letter.

"Well, normally it's a sign a Cookie is sick, isn't it?" Strawberry Crepe Cookie frowns, "You don't feel like you'll crumble soon do you?"

"...No." All the time. It's more of an emotional thing though, so they're fine.

"Hmm..." Strawberry Crepe Cookie grumbles, staring at the floor before saying, "Why don't you just rest today? I can do this."

"Works for me." (C/F) Cookie slowly walks back to their little bed. Getting back in it, they pick up the book that has been beside it for so long now and open it up. About time they got to read this.

The text is easy enough to follow. It's not the most basic book they've ever read, but it's not simple either. It's littered with notes and diagrams that made little sense to them without rereading passages multiple times. About halfway through the third of forty chapters they decide to take a break to go over everything they felt and maybe take a nap.

Magic is mostly based on circles. That is true of every kind of magic. How those circles interact, and the symbols in each is what defines different spells and kinds of magic. Those more experienced or adept at magic have little need to draw those circles when using it, but certain powerful spells still summon them when used.

...They need a nap.

"Oh good! You're awake!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie smiles as they reenter the work area of the Hangar, probably looking like a disaster. "How do you feel now?"

Not much better honestly, but they're not about to tell them that. (C/F) Cookie shrugs. They had woken up a few minutes ago, realized they weren't getting back to sleep, and gotten out of bed in hopes it would make them feel more alive.

"I was just putting the finishing touches on this design, but I wanted your opinion before doing anything with it." The kid lifts the blueprint that had caused the rest to be shoved to the floor, and carries it over for them to see. "What do you think?"

They stare at it blankly for a moment before comprehending what it is. "Is this a wafflebot crossbow?"

"It's not just a crossbow!" The child says proudly, "It would take mechanisms from every kind of wafflebot and function in a way that the Cookie wearing it would be as strong as them!"

"...How does it fit one of those giant swords in there?" (C/F) Cookie feels like an idiot because their mind still isn't processing fully.

"It summons them, see?" Tiny hands point to another part of the blueprint, "Each part is magically stored until the wearer decides to use it!"

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