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(C/F) Cookie very quickly learned that research is a lot harder than they thought. It felt a lot more like they were trying to create something from nothing than pouring over countless texts and scrolls to come up with some spell they could use as a baseline.

A few weeks in and they had made almost no progress. They had dug through a ridiculous amount of books and scrolls, but had found nothing but various summoning spells and nothing on containment spells.

"Why don't we take a break?" Pure Vanilla Cookie rests a hand on their shoulder. By this time it was about midafternoon and they had been coming before the sun went up and leaving after it went down.

"You can, sure." They turn the page, scanning over yet another useless spell.

"No!" He snickers, "I said 'we' for a reason."

"So? Gah!"

Pure Vanilla Cookie lifts them in his arms with ease, chuckling all the while, "This all will still be here when we get back, so for now let's have lunch."

"...Fine." They keep their gaze far from his very close face. Him holding them this way was giving them mixed feelings. They were embarrassed that he could do this so easily–it's not like they're small like a kid–but at the same time they were flustered to be this close to him.

He gently set them back on their feet and the two of them headed for the kitchen. "I've gotten help from the Villagers restocking the pantry in the kitchens, so we should have ingredients to make just about anything."

"I'm not too picky."

"Hmm... Then raisins maybe?"

"...I think I'll pass."

He chuckles, "I thought you would say that."

"I eat enough raisins given how often I go to the Crow's Nest for breakfast." (C/F) Cookie shrugs, laughing awkwardly.

He laughs harder, "I will not tell them you said that."

"Please." They smile.

On another day of research, (C/F) Cookie decided to give up with the books and scrolls and instead went to ask Pure Vanilla Cookie about just making the spell from scratch.

When they found him, he was reading a rather large book. His expression was serious, but they were starting to recognize his moods and could tell that he just didn't fully understand what he's reading.

"Hey." They greet him.

"Hmm? Oh, hello (C/F) Cookie." He smiles as he turns to them. "Did you find something?"

"No, I'm thinking we'll probably just have to work from nothing." They frown, coming to stand beside him. "What are you reading?"

"Well..." He sighs, "This is one of the few books I have on Dark Moon Magic."

"You have one of those?" They gape at him. "Wait, no... I take that back, that makes sense. Of course you have one of those."

He averts his gaze sheepishly. "Well..."

"Oh, is this the spell you used to end the war?" (C/F) Cookie looks over the page.

"Yes..." He admits with a sigh, "I do not want to suggest we use it, but it appears to be the closest spell to what we want."

"Yeah, I can see that." They nod.

Pure Vanilla Cookie remains silent as they read over the spell.

"Well," they start thinking their idea over, "the wording is very different from Dessert Magic's. I bet that we could translate the concept at least."

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