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About an hour later (C/F) Cookie and Pure Vanilla Cookie were having a relaxing cup of tea in his chambers.

They felt completely ashamed of themself for crying so much, but he didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he seems glad they did—which only increased their embarrassment about it.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about what's bothering you?" He says, his staff has been set aside in favor of holding his cup in his hands.

They nod wordlessly, staring at their tiny, distorted reflection.

"Not even part of it?" He pushes.

They avert their gaze.

These sorts of things were easier with Roommate Cookie, where they could just talk around the subject and they'd understand it. They didn't realize how much they took that for granted until now. Who Pure Vanilla Cookie was didn't even seem to matter anymore. They had spent so much time practicing magic with him that they really only saw him as the kind Cookie he is.

"Well..." They decide to just tell him about the smallest thing bothering them, "Strawberry Crepe Cookie and I have been working on something, and we can't find a spell we'd likely need to do it."

"Oh? What sort of spell would you need?" He asks.

"One that lets a smaller object hold a larger one."

"That must be quite a project then." He chuckles, "Incidentally, why can't you use the technique that gives them their larger arms?"

"The crepe arms? Well, those are rather different from what we're building. The arms do that via a technological process we don't know much about. Not only that, but that headset is more or less part of Strawberry Crepe Cookie's head, and neither of us particularly want to tamper with it to find out the exact logistics. It wouldn't surprise me to find out the arms are just an extension of Strawberry Crepe Cookie."

"I see..." He frowns, "And they were frustrated with you because neither of you could find a solution?"

"Kind of..." (C/F) Cookie shrugs, "We've put a lot of work into this already, and having to rebuild everything we've done to incorporate something neither of us fully understand is super inconvenient. We're working with limited resources, and starting over wastes them."

"That is quite the conundrum." Pure Vanilla Cookie nods in understanding. "I am certain such a spell would be possible, but I don't think I've ever seen one before."

"So it would not be worth going through the whole library for it?"

"No, a spell such as that would not be there." He shakes his head, "The closest one you would find is a summoning spell, and I am fairly certain that would not serve the purpose you need it to."

"I don't think it would, no." (C/F) Cookie frowns, "I'm glad I asked your opinion before attempting to scour every book you have."

"I am happy to help," he laughs awkwardly, "though unfortunately I don't seem to have been much of it."

"Not your fault." They shrug with a disappointed sigh. They get to their feet, "I should go tell Strawberry Crepe Cookie."

"I'll go with you." He stands up as well.

"Uh, alright." Hopefully Strawberry Crepe Cookie isn't too upset with him there.

"WHAT?!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie screams the second (C/F) Cookie tells them the bad news. "There isn't a spell for something THAT simple?!"

"Well," Pure Vanilla Cookie says, "none that one can easily find written down. Because you know exactly what the spell needs to do, and we know it is not outside magic's capabilities, it is likely possible. We would just need to figure it out ourselves."

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