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Practicing magic with Pure Vanilla Cookie quickly became (C/F) Cookie's favorite time of the day. His teaching style is gentle and easy to follow so they were making progress with his guidance at an exponential rate. They were happy that all the work it took to learn was finally starting to pay off.

When they weren't at the academy, they were spending time helping out Black Raisin Cookie or someone else at the Crow's Nest, or in the Hangar helping Strawberry Crepe Cookie fix broken clocks and stoves along with assisting the child on the wafflebot crossbow project.

The Hangar wasn't their favorite place to be. It's not that they hated building things with Strawberry Crepe Cookie, they had just spent the past twenty years of their life stressing over robotics and that had taken a toll on how much they enjoyed the subject.

"Alright." Strawberry Crepe Cookie hands them the fourth golden cuff, "This should have those choco lances connected to it."

"And you made sure it's these two." (C/F) Cookie glances at the chocolate lances on either side of them, sliding the golden brace over their arm.

"I checked. I promise." Strawberry Crepe Cookie groans and rolls their eyes.

"Alright." They punch the air and sure enough, the lances jab forward to strike the open space in front of them.

"Hmm..." The child's face scrunches up in thought.

"What? It works." (C/F) Cookie glances over both weapons.

"It does." Strawberry Crepe Cookie nods, "But what about a strength test? Why don't you try putting no effort into it and then putting all your strength in it?"

"To see if the bots' power scales accordingly?" They finish, adjusting the cuff.

"Yeah!" Strawberry Crepe Cookie nods excited, "One second." They run off into the Hangar and a second or two later come back with a choco cone legionnaire. "We can test it on this! Just... try not to break it."

"Ok." (C/F) Cookie shrugs. With absolutely no windup, they push their fist forward. The lances don't even move. "I think our question is answered."

"Do the strong punch anyway!" The kid cheers, "I want to see how hard you can hit!" Of course they do. Why wouldn't they?

(C/F) Cookie winds up a punch and brings their fist forward hard enough that they stumble after it. The one lance punches clean into the shield of the legionnaire and the other accidentally strikes its core, shattering it. "...Whoops."

"I asked you to do one thing." Strawberry Crepe Cookie grumbles.

"Sorry..." They frown at the floor. "I just punched the way you asked me to."

"We'll just have to fix it later." Strawberry Crepe Cookie ignores their jest and runs over, pulling the cuff off the larger Cookie's arm. "Say, how many more of these do you think we have to make?"

"Hmm..." (C/F) Cookie frowns thoughtfully, "Which ones do we have?"

"A sword, a shield, the Berry Bishop healers, the lances..." Strawberry Crepe Cookie lists.

"It feels like we did a lot more than that." (C/F) Cookie frowns as they ponder the list too. "Do you want to do every type?"

"Well the only other kinds of wafflebots are the dragoons, zealots, and javelins, and they aren't exactly the most compatible with this." The kid sighs.

"That's true." (C/F) Cookie shrugs. "Maybe if you finish a prototype with the ones we have already you can try to add the others. For now we'll need to find that spell. Do you know what that would be called by the way?"

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