Chapter 4- Aonung

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As Taneya wakes up, she notices that everyone has gone.

She sees her father Jake, sitting opposite her, reading a book. He notices her shuffling and gets distracted.

"Oh Taneya, you are awake" Jake says.
Taneya sits up, rubbing her eyes. She then takes a big stretch, as she wakes up.

Jake chuckles, "you had quite a long sleep. Everyone is out, learning to swim on Ilus" Jake tells her.

"I thought they already learnt?" Taneya asks.

"Lo'ak and Kiri learnt. The rest of you still need to" Jake says.

Taneya nods her head, before she lifts herself up.

"Have fun today. And keep a look out for Lo'ak please" Jake says.

"Yes sir" Taneya  replies before walking out of the pod.

As she walks to the beach she notices the others there.

She spots Lo'ak and Aonung talks.
She watches and Aonung brings his two friends over.

At first she thought they were going to pick on him. But instead they were shaking Lo'ak's hand. Almost like they were apologising.

Lo'ak and Aonung shared a hand shake to.

"Big sis, you are awake!" Tuk comes running to Taneya.

Her shout causes the attention of everyone, including Aonung.

"Oh Tuk, you are so happy to see me?" Taneya questions.

Tuk nods, as she hugs Taneya's legs.

"Neteyam isn't that fun, is he?" Taneya teases. She picks up Tuk and walks towards Neteyam and Tsireya.

"You are getting Tuk bored Neteyam" Taneya says.
Tuk sticks her tongue out at him.

"We are teaching her how to ride an ilu" Neteyam grabs Tuk out of Taneya's hands, and holds onto her.

Taneya rolls her eyes at Tuk and then faces Tsireya.
"I am sorry about my brother" Tsireya says.

"Tsireya. Don't be silly, you have nothing to be sorry for. It is not your fault about what had happened to Lo'ak" Taneya says.

"She kept apologising to me too. And I kept telling her the same thing" Neteyam says.

Taneya gives a side hug to Tsireya.

Lo'ak and Aonung walk towards them.

"Taneya. You've been sleeping for so long" Lo'ak says.
"Yes Lo'ak, I was tired last night" She explains herself.

"Come, we're going to teach you guys how to ride an Ilu" Lo'ak says excitedly.

Aonung and Taneya make eye contact. But she looks away. She doesn't seem to care about him being there.

As they are in the water, Aonung calls out to the Ilu's.

"Ooh" he makes a noise and then a tk sound.
"Ooh, tk tk tk."

A couple of ilu's swim towards them. Tuk moves forward and chooses her Tuk straight away.

Everyone lets out a little laugh, seeing the cuteness in her as she excitedly sits on the baby Ilu.

Neteyam chooses his own, leaving Taneya left.

"The one that comes to you, you should choose" Aonung says to her.

She doesn't respond and walks around.

She then spots an Ilu. A dark blue shade. She can see the Ilu look at her. She looks back at him and smiles before hopping on.

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