Chapter 16 - Peace

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Taneya and Aonung are getting ready to leave the forest.

"Before you go, I have something for you to take back with you" Mo'at says to Taneya.

She turns around and picks up a bow and arrow.

"What is this for?" Taneya asks.
"This was your mothers. Take it, she will want you to have it" Mo'at says.

So Taneya takes it, and puts it with her belongings.

She gives her grandma one last hug, before getting on the Ikran with Aonung.
Taneya and Aonung reach the next day.

"Dad. They're back!" Tuk says as she sees Taneya's Ikran flying down.

Once they reach the ground, Aonung gets off first.
Taneya disconnects her queue to the Ikran.

Aonung holds Taneya's hand and helps her down.
After she takes her belongings off the Ikran, she goes towards the Ikran's face.

She places her hand on the face, "I'll see you soon" she says. The Ikran flaps it's wings before getting up and flying back, away from the Pandoran Ocean.

"Son, Taneya. You are back" Tonowari says.
Aonung goes to greet his father.

Ronal is stood next to Tonowari.
She comes forward, checking Aonung from head to toe.

"What are you doing mother?" Aonung asks.
Ronal notices the wound on Aonung's back.

"What did you do to him?" She says, as she glares at Taneya.

Jake comes forward next to Taneya.

"What happened?" Jake asks her.
"I didn't do anything" Taneya replies.

"How did he hurt himself then? You must have done something!" Ronal shouts.
"Mother calm down. Taneya didn't do anything I just tripped and fell" Aonung explains to his mom.

Ronal went from glaring at Taneya to Aonung,"don't you lie to me."
"I'm telling the truth. I was clumsy and I fell. Taneya helped my wound she didn't do anything" Aonung says.

Ronal hisses at Aonung and turns away, walking off.

"I've never seen someone hiss so much in their life before" Taneya mutters quietly, but loudly enough for only Jake to hear, as he was standing next to her.

"That's enough" Jake says.
"Fine. It's not like I can do anything" Taneya replies.

Neytiri comes forward, hugging Taneya, "my daughter. How are you?"
Taneya hugs Neytiri back, "I have something important to tell you."

She moves away from the hug, looking at both Neytiri and Jake.
"I told grandma. About Neteyam" She confesses.
"Why would you tell her that?" Jake says.

"She asked about Neteyam. I didn't want to lie to her" Taneya replies.
"But we said-" Jake was about to lecture Taneya, but Neytiri talks over him, "what is done is done. At least now she knows."

When Jake picks up Taneya's belongings, he sees the bow and arrow.
"What's this?" Jake asks.
Taneya turns around to see what Jake is talking about.

She sees him looking at the bow and arrow.
"Grandma gave me that. She said it was my mothers. So I took it" Taneya replies.

Taneya then walks off, to go meet her siblings.
"How was grandma?" Tuk asks.
"She is good. She is healthy, and she is still very judgy. She was judging Aonung" Taneya teases.
"How did she take the news?" Lo'ak asks, "about Neteyam?"

"She was hurt. But she still kept her head up high" Taneya says, "she took it well. She is strong."

Tsireya comes to them, sitting next to Lo'ak.
He holds onto her hand, and kisses her on the cheek.

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