Chapter 21- Empty Threats

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As the Metkayina people were making their way, along with Taneya, Jake and Neytiri, they noticed a boat. A military boat.

"Do you think sky people could be on that boat?"Taneya asks Aonung.

"It's possible. And looks exactly the same as the ship we had seen last time.
As they are getting closer to the boat, Taneya notices guns pointing out.

"Everyone get down!" She shouts, getting her Skimwing to swim under the water.

And she was right. There were gunshots heard as they fell into the ocean.

It definitely is sky people Taneya signs to Aonung.
What do we do? Aonung signs back.
Tell the others. I'm going to swim to the boat. When it starts tilting, they can move back up and kill Taneya signs back to him before swimming to the boat on her Skimwing.
As she gets closer, she takes out her gun, filling her bullets in.

She gets her gun ready before shooting straight into the ship.
As she watches the boat tilt, slowly sinking, she turns around, giving a thumbs up to Aonung.

The rest of them swim back up on their Skimwing, ready to fight. Taneya put the gun behind her back, and gets out her bow and arrow before swimming up to the surface on her Skimwing.

She makes a whistle noise as she shoots an arrow straight into someone's head, before swimming back down.

She swims to the opposite side of the boat, getting her arrow ready again to shoot.
She swims back up, shooting another sky person on the boat. This time in the chest.

Taneya then looks forward, seeing that Ronal's Skimwing had been injured.
Before Ronal could fall back into the water, Taneya quickly goes towards her. She gets off the Skimwing, jumping onto the boat.

Ronal falls onto Taneya's Skimwing, and sees Taneya jump on to the boat.
Taneya then runs forward, ready to fight.

She gets her gun out, shooting one person in the leg and then in the head.
As another sky person comes towards Taneya, she elbows him, before grabbing him from the arm and turning around to suffocate him with her arm. She shoots again in his head.

As she walks inside the boat, she sees the two other people are already dead, with an arrow in the chest.
She notices one person who is injured, but not yet dead. So she shoots him 3 times, until she knows he's no longer breathing.

Taneya then walks forward, trying to see who these people might be. She sees a screen, the displayed two maps on each side. One of the forest and one of the Pandoran Ocean.

She then looks down to one of the sky people, and notices a throat microphone. She rips it off him, taking the ear piece out putting it into her ear.

She hears Quaritch speak, "Miles? Miles do you read me?"
"Quaritch? Is that you?" Taneya asks.
"Who is this?" Quaritch asks.

"Ah so it is you" Taneya says and smirks, "my good old friend Quaritch. You must really want to kill me right? Knowing I'm Ninat's love child? That she didn't even want to be anywhere near you" Taneya intimidates Quaritch.

"Is that how you want to play? Because I can kill you. Just the same way I killed your brother" Quaritch replies.

Taneya laughs, "all these empty threats. Yet I killed all your men. You really want to kill me? Come find me. Let's end this" Taneya says.
"I will kill you" Quaritch says.
But Taneya cuts him off, "this time I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you and destroy everything you love."

Taneya then ties Miles' throat microphone on her neck, and places the ear piece in her ear.
When she turns around, Aonung is standing there.

"He's coming. Get everyone ready" she says to him.

As Quaritch flies down to the boat on an Ikran, he notices that no one is there.
"So, this is your game? Hiding? Come on Taneya, I thought you wanted to kill me?" Quaritch speaks through the throat microphone.

"Who said I'm hiding? You're on the boat, you haven't checked inside" Taneya says and laughs, "you can't possibly be that dumb, can you?"

He hissed and gets off his Ikran, jumping into the boat. As he walks in, Taneya is nowhere to be found.
"You think this is a game don't you?" Quaritch says to Taneya through the throat microphone.

"A game? Not at all. I'm just finishing off the extra men you bought with you" Taneya says.
Quaritch quickly jumps ontop of the boat, finding Taneya on top of the boat, one of Quaritch's men on his knees in front of Taneya, but facing him. With a knife to his neck.

"Drop your wepons. Or he dies" Taneya says.
Quaritch laughs, "you think I care about him. He's nothing to me."
"Oh really. Okay then" Taneya says and slits his throat.

Quaritch's eyes shoot wide open, as he looks at Taneya, "you crazy bitch."
"That I am. But I thought you didn't care?" Taneya asks.

As Quaritch is about to walk to Taneya, Ronal comes from behind.
"You! You demon!" She shouts.
Quaritch turns around and looks at Ronal confused, wondering who she is.

"You! You killed my spirit sister!" Ronal says.
"Ronal what are you doing!" Taneya shouts to her.
"Stay out of this Taneya" she says to her.
"Ronal please go" Taneya pleads.

"Well well. The more the merrier I guess" Quaritch takes out his gun from behind.
Taneya sees him do this, and quickly runs to him, pushing him down.

He tries to shoot Ronal and misses.
"Ronal you have to go! Go!" Taneya shouts as she tries to get the gun out of Quaritch's hand.

Quaritch then pulls Taneya back, with his arm around her throat, suffocating Taneya.

Aonung comes up on his Skimwing and stabs Quaritch in the arm.
He looks to Taneya, "are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Take your mother and go!" She shouts back at him. Aonung grabs onto his mother and takes her with him.

Taneya's attention swifts away as she's watching Aonung and Ronal, making sure they were away from Quaritch.

Taneya suddenly felt a sharp pain in her ankle, "argh!"

Quaritch pushes her and stands up with a gun in his hand.
Taneya looks to her ankle and sees blood. And she realises.

Quaritch shot her.

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