caramel and cinnamon <3 ••• bakudeku

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3rd person POV :

Here we are.

2nd year of U.A

Class 2A was buzzing with both excitement and fear.

Friends catching up, learning how they were even if they saw eachother throughout the holidays.

Bakugō Katsuki was sitting alone on his front row seat. He didn't get enough rest. He was busy talking with his online best friend who, apparently, was also in U.A. Weird, huh?
They had met on a video game and became friends. Then they started talking, and then they became besties.

Midoriya was also sleepy as fūçk. He had spent last night gaming with his new online bestie. They had played a horror game so he couldn't sleep. Sad.

Suddenly, Aizawa walked in. Causing everyone standing up to scurry to their assigned seats.

"good morning, problem children" Aizawa said, almost looking bored.

"Good morning, sir!" the class chanted back.

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"It's The First Day Back! Why do we have to do all this?" Mina exclaimed as Aizawa handed out sheets of paper to the class. It was last period and 20 minutes until the bell rang. "Because Nezu told me to. Don't know why and don't really care." Aizawa said with his same tiredness. He finally got to Izuku's desk. Instead of an over energetic broccoli, he found a tired greenette.
Shaking him slightly, Aizawa shook Midoriya awake. " since it's the first day back I'll let it slide this once. Do it again and not only will you get detention, you'll also be tutored by a student of my choice."

"Yes sir" Midiriya replied with a yawn.


It was home time now.

Rest of the class was already at the dorms but the Bakusquad had gone to get lunch from a cafè.

When they got there, Katsuki was the first one to go to his room. While the rest of the class hung out, the angry blonde just took a shower and wanted to take a nap. After changing into a stolen hoodie, he went to his bed just to find an envelope with a bunch of heart or love related stickers on and in it.

"huh, wonder what this could be", he thought

Opening it, he found a note saying- 'check your mini fridge
-your secret admirer <3'

"that's cringe" The blond thought. Still checking the mini fridge.

A box of chocolates.

They must not be aware he hates sweets, except maybe cinnamon or caramel. Those are good.

Opening the box ( which was shaped like his gauntlets ) a letter fell out-

'dear Katsuki,
Hello! I'm just gonna say that the candies are filled with either cinnamon, caramel or have chili. The box has all your favourite flavours as well as a gift at the bottom. I hope you like it.
-your secret admirer <3'


"that was weirdly cute"


Author-san here! Hope you enjoyed my little story! Most of these just pop into my head. I'll prolly continue this or create another oneshot.


Bye <3

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