Chapter 2

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L was still hungry but was advised to eat soft foods, as well as liquids still, which made him sad because he really wanted his sweets but couldn't have any. He started shaking and heaving which scared the Task Force deeply. "Watari, do we have more ginger ale?" Light asked him, hoping there was still enough. Watari then checked the fridge and saw there is still enough and poured it in a small glass, adding the straw afterwards. Light thanked him afterwards and handed L his drink.

"Thanksth, Light." He said, slowly drinking it. With L constantly nauseous, he was going to need ginger ale for a while. He can drink water too, but would rather have ginger ale more because it's sweet but not too sweet. He then handed Aizawa the cup and went to the bathroom. Light helped him get there and watched his boyfriend vomiting profusely. L did so some more and when he finished, he noticed he had blood in his vomit. Looking down, he was scared shitless and screamed very loudly.

"AHHHH!!!!!!" He screamed, which alarmed the Task Force and Watari nearly cut himself from the strawberry he was cutting. They were wondering what was going on and Light calmed him down.

"L, it's okay. It's normal to vomit after surgery. Just try to calm down." Light assured him, holding his hand and kissed his cheek.

"Ow..." He moaned, feeling the pain getting worse and he was starting to feel faint. He slowly got up and went to his and Light's room. Light helped him change into his PJs with bunnies in them and he got them on. Light then went to get L's painkillers and came back not long afterwards.

"Take this and rest." He handed him the pills and he took them from his hand and swallowed them with water. He fell asleep and Light stroked his dark hair and kissed him.

"Thanksth, Light..." He said, murmuring in his sleep with a tiny smile. Two days later, L was slowly recovering. He was in a lot of pain still. He moaned as his mouth was hurting deeply. Watari checked up on him and placed his hand next to his forehead.

"L, let me call the dentist. Try to hang in there, alright?" He spoke to the dark haired 20 year old and he made moaning noises. Watari pulled out his cell phone and dialed the dentist. "Yes, my name is Watari and my son Ryuzaki is in need of medical attention right now. His fever is quite high and he needs to be seen immediately." He said, answering the call. Light heard the words medical attention and fever. He knew this had to do with L. He went to see him and found him with his eyes half open.

"L, are you okay?" Light quietly said to him, holding his hand. L tilted his head and looked at him weakly. He moaned and placed his hand on his stomach, feeling more feverish than ever. Watari ended the call not long after and told L to stay in his sweatpants and black shirt as they were leaving. Light stayed as he needed to work on the Kira case for three hours. The whole morning, Light was very anxious and frantic, thinking L was really sick and might stay overnight due to his mouth in serious pain right now.

"Light, are you okay, son?" Soichiro asked him and he shook his head no. Light slowly got up and fell to his knees, crying. He really was that scared for L and didn't want to say anything about it to anyone, feeling like he should've been there for him right now. He immediately rushed to the trashcan and vomited there. Lately, he's been this way and hasn't seen a doctor about it as this makes him more anxious and he's on the verge of vomiting some more.

"Light, you need to see a doctor about this. This is isn't healthy, you know" Matsuda told him as he was watching him vomit some more and rubbed his back.  Light was breathing heavily and panting for nearly 15 minutes.

"Don't remind—" He answered, then hurled some more and groaned. He stood up at the wall, trying to keep his balance. Light then slid down and fainted. The Task Force rushed over to his side and Aizawa slapped him lightly, hoping to wake up the younger Yagami. He didn't wake up and this freaked the force out. Meanwhile, L was in the dentist's office and stared at Watari.

"What isth going on, Watari?" He said, looking at the older man as he was in deep pain but also quite feverish.

"Don't worry. The dentist told me that you're not in serious danger. In fact, it's normal to have a fever when you're like this." He assured the 20 year old and sometime later, L was out of the office and building itself. He sat in the back of the limousine as usual and laid down in his seat. When he woke up, he found himself in his bed. There was a note by his nightstand and he picked it up to read it.


We had taken Light to the hospital. Don't ask us why. We are still wondering what happened. In fact, by the time you're seeing this, he's still there. Just rest and if you're hungry, go through the list of foods and drinks you can have.


P.S. Don't eat cake or anything else with sugar.

L felt his heart thumping and decided to rest his eyes out some more as this was just too much to deal with. He rested his eyes and fell asleep on his back, placing the other pillow in his face and started crying a lot. He wanted Light to be okay and prayed really hard for him to do so. L isn't a religious person all that much, but he was raised as a Christian and then slowly stopped going to church when he was 12, a year before he started becoming a professional detective that he decided to focus on that instead, rather than listen to some story about God and Jesus, as well as Mary and Joseph. The usual.

Ryuk was flying by the human world and decided to be in L and Light's apartment. He flew down and knocked the door. L slowly woke up and answered it, opening it after. "L, you're looking rather different. How are you?" Ryuk greeted him, then asking him how he's doing.

"Tired. I had my withsdom teeth out rethently." He answered, lisping still.

"Why?" The Shinigami asked, surprised to hear that's a thing they do with humans.

"Because they needed to be outht, thath why." He told him, giving him a short and simple answer as to such.

"I see. You sound funny this way." He laughed which made L smile, but not a lot as the pain was still there. Even though he's on his painkillers right now. That afternoon, he and Ryuk played some chess and Ryuk surprisingly won this time. "What's my prize?" He asked with a bigger smile on his face.

"You get a cake. The one Watari makes for me is my favorite and best part is thath it'sth thugar free. Henth why I'll never geth diabetes. Hahah!" L answered with a laugh as he got up to the fridge and found the strawberry shortcake and handed Ryuk the whole thing.

"What's this fruit?" He asked, poking one with his nail.

"It'sth a strawberry. Completely different than an apple." He told him, smiling at the fruit itself and took one from the cake, handing it to him.

"I hope it tastes good like one." Ryuk said as he ate it slowly. L smiled, hoping he would like it.

"Well?" He asked him as he didn't seem to enjoy the taste of the strawberry itself.

"It doesn't taste sweet and juicy like an apple." He told him, refusing to eat another one.

"That's because all fruits have different tastes and flavors. In fact, they have different apples in the world. Actually, you already know thisth. You fly by the human world all the time." He explained, then stopped himself there.

"You're right. L, I'm going back to the Shinigami realm right now as we are having a party. I'll take this cake with me and that's it." Ryuk said as his wings started extending and he took the cake with his hands and started flying away. "Get well soon, L!" He exclaimed and L was happy to make him feel this way too.

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