Chapter 4

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Sometime later that week, Light was released from the hospital and L was still on recovery. He saw Light all tired and close to fainting. He was given something to cure his nausea. It has helped so far, but who knows if the affects will do so or not. Light still felt his tired and faint and when he and L made it back to the apartment, he had fallen asleep already and was being carried bridal style. He smiled so peacefully and was in his own bed not long after as he had no idea what was going on.

That same day, it was about 11 am and Light was awake, taking a shower and when he was doing so, he felt a lot of dizziness happening still. He laid down in the tub instead and gave himself a bath as he was really needing to relax. The door knocked and he asked who it was. L opened the door in surprise and Light allowed him in the tub. Looking down, L decided to do so and told Light to turn around and he stripped off his clothes and went in the tub.

"This feelth nice." He smiled, which made Light smile as well and more attracted to him in a flirtatious manner as his face being swollen makes him look sexier. Not saying he isn't always, but this exact look is just more cute to him.

"Yeah, it does. L, has anyone told you that when your face is swollen, you actually look better this way?" Light confessed, blushing at him deeply.

"No, but thankth anywayth." L smiled, kissing him softly. They both were just relaxing so calmly and L wanted to bubble bath. Light found the container that has the soap and it has strawberries, which makes sense given L loves strawberries now. Especially since they are his favorite fruit nowadays. Even though sometimes, he can't stand them. But mostly, he just eats them a lot more as part of his New Year's resolution to eat more fruits. "Light, I changeth my mind. I don't want a bubble bath. Ith justh occurred to me, I am not a child anymore." He told Light, looking down in sadness.

"So? You always have one no matter what. That's why I love you, Lawliet. You're so open to loving things you did and done in the past. Don't change that part of you." Light held his hands, kissing him some more. L smiled a bit, but felt tired now. Later that same day, Light was sleeping and so was L. They were in the couch, laying down. Light slept on his side, while L was in his back. He had his hand next to Light and this made him smile more so.

"L, are you hungry?" Watari whispered, trying not to wake Light up. He woke up and saw him by his side and asked again if he was hungry.

"I guessth." He answered him, asking for a smoothie with strawberries, kiwis and apples. Watari agreed on that and went to make it. Light was still sleeping heavily so he isn't able to hear the sound of the blender making noise. Later that same day, Light was awake, but so tired. He ate a little bit and went back to sleep as he was tired from yesterday at the hospital. Plus, the tests they did and him in his bed there, were uncomfortable and he wanted to sleep but had to keep his eyes open so he would be aware of his surroundings.

"Light, you should eath more." L told him, eating his applesauce and pushed his plate next to him. The plate consisted of curry with rice and since Light's second favorite thing to eat other than potato chips and he enjoyed it. L, on the other hand, kind of didn't like curry. Especially Japanese curry and rice. He doesn't go well with spicy food and it makes him weak somehow.

"Not right now. I'm tired." He answered, feeling sleepy as well. As mentioned from above, he had to be getting numerous tests and they were the most uncomfortable tests he's ever had. Well, other than having–that done.

"Can I have just a lick? I'll clean the spoon." L asked him and he nodded, too tired to answer him. He did so and liked the taste of it. Surprisingly. But probably because it got cold already so fast, that could be why. Either way, he still can't eat it and it made him sad. He cleaned Light's spoon like he promised and gave it back to him afterwards. He smiled and went to eating the curry as he was hungry again.

"Light?" L asked him, watching him take a spoonful of the food itself and eat it some more. L decided to tell him later, when he's completely better. Later that same day, Light was reading and L was eating baby food. He had no idea they made rice for babies and Light told him so as he used to feed Sayu when she was a baby. But only when Sachiko was busy in the house and needed his help. "You know whath, Light? If we were to have a baby, thingth would be amathing. Think about ith! A baby Yagami or Lawliet in the aparthment!" L exclaimed, which made Light laugh.

"Yeah, the only difference is that men can't get pregnant." He told him, smiling at the obvious part of all.

"Technically, they can. I read it on fanfiction." He pointed with his index finger, grinning idiotically.

"What the–? L, are you serious?" He asked, quite surprised to hear that. Especially from him who loves to read non fiction books mostly.

"Yeah. The baby came from the man's penith." He told the younger Yagami this and he died laughing, falling off the chair. Watari saw this and asked Light if he was okay. "Never better!" He let a thumbs up and got up. The door knocked and Watari went to answer it.

"I wonder what happened?" Light said, looking at L who was eating another yogurt. The Task Force showed up and were quite upset.

"Light, how could you send us a link like that!" Soichiro responded, disappointed in his own son for some reason.

"What? Dad, I don't know what's going on." Light answered, not knowing what he meant. He then looked at L who was minding his own business. "L!!!" He shouted, quite angry at him now as he was the one who sent the link to the fanfic he read on his email.

"Yesth, Light?" He looked at him, smiling at his boyfriend.

"Did you send the link to the fanfic you read from my email?" He firmly asked, hoping he would answer him truthfully and rightfully so.

"Yesth, I'm sthorry, I didn't mean to!" He said, tears flowing down his eyes and ran away from the living room and the apartment itself, going somewhere in the city.

"Look, it was L who did it. These painkillers are messing with his mind." He told the Task Force and Watari this, clearly on the verge of a mental breakdown as he felt horrible for getting upset at L like that. He should've known he would never do this or act without thinking.

"Light, maybe you should just let him know in the future that if he needs to use your computer because his isn't working, just type in a password and he will never know what it is." Aizawa assured him, watching him tearing up.

"I guess that could work." He shrugged, wiping his amber eyes and went to find L not long after. "Ryuzaki!" Light said as he was calling for him, using his fake alias. There was someone who was going through their phone and Light spoke to him.

"Have you seen a guy who is 5'10, dark hair and wears a white long sleeve shirt with dark jeans?" He asked the older man.

"No, I haven't." He shrugged and Light looked some more for L. He found him by the bench at their favorite park. He went to him and sat down.

"Ryuzaki—" He was about to apologize and he stopped him before he could do so.

"It's L. Nobody is watching usth or seeing usth." He told him. Light then apologized again, this time using L's real name.

"L, I'm sorry for making you cry. I don't know what came out of me, but I am really sorry. I hope you can forgive me." He apologized as he started crying profusely and L hugged him, rubbing his back.

"It'sth okay, Light. You're okay." He assured him, confronting his lover and best friend as everything will be alright. Light cried harder and did so until the sun went down. He and L ended up going back to the apartment not long afterwards.

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