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You were sitting on the window........ it's what you usually did , thinking about him .......it made your  eyes tear up , your throat dried as you thought about all the beautiful memories you had with him  ......it ached your heart . you remembered the hateful, venomous look he had on his face, the last day you saw him .


You were literally tripping over everything or everyone coming your way...... but you couldn't care less .could you ? the only thought you had in mind was  run as fast as light and jump on him and kiss him till both of you feel like passing out . but little did you know what was waiting for you ..........

You saw him from a distance in the garden  in front of your college  but the next thing you saw broke your heart in god knows how many  pieces .... it was Ariel, kissing him , of what  you could make out , he didn't seem to protest ........ it was hard , so hard, watching him as he synced his lips with her, shamelessly, not aware that his girlfriend was watching  . he let go of Ariel and smiled , the smile  you loved so much , which was now hurting you , killing you .

As he moved his head towards you , you hoped , he would feel bad , come running to you , beg you to not leave him

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As he moved his head towards you , you hoped , he would feel bad , come running to you , beg you to not leave him . but he just winked at you .

You couldn't get it so you walked over to him as tears formed in your eyes , threatening their way out  .  "Taehyung ?"  you said ......... he just stood there.......... . after a good minute of staring at each-other . "Oh, Y/N . Fancy seeing you here " he mocked . "T-Taehyung....what is all this ? please tell me you're not cheating ....." you sobbed . "Okay.....so i'll  clear some stuff out ........... i lost interest in you ok ?....as you can see Ariel here has a perfect body and she is a splendid kisser .." he  winked at Ariel while talking . 

you could'nt get it ....what was seriously up with him? you tried to hold his hand and it broke your heart when he snatched his arm away and put it around Ariel . that's when you realised he wasn't kidding. While glaring at you he said " Y/N were you literally so dumb you couldn't notice . i didn't love you . i just used you  for homework and stuff . your friends told you i was a playboy . but you didn't listen ....that's your fault Y/N ........ I.FUCKING.HATE.YOU .......... i don't want to see you near me and my girlfriend ......SO GET LOST !!!!!!" he spat venomously . 


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THE THINGS I'D DO TO YOU - BTS ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now