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 Request by @Han_Yejinnie 

It infuriated him, the way they treated him as if he had lost his mind in the hospital . j-hope was sent to this property after being charged for murder and torture of several people .  Since he was a mafia boss , not many people opposed him , but as the complaints rose , the police had no choice but to arrest him .  When they went to his house to explain to him how they had to act to arrest him for a few days...........they found him covered in the blood of an innocent child  and spooning his eyes out...............that is when they decided he needed mental help . 

As much as they wanted to help him , they couldn't go against his orders, since he held so much power ............. his aura screamed  riches as his cold attitude made  woman drool over him . currently he was making a plan to escape the asylum with the help of his men . he was brought out of the discussion when he heard  a knock on the door 

"come in" he said in an unamused tone 

"Sir .......the hospital has decided to change your psychiatrist ....I brought the new doctor's information sir " the man informed while bowing to his master .........

"keep it here and get lost before I loose it " he said not pleased by the news he was made to hear ..............."everybody is dismissed ....get out of my sight RIGHT NOW !!" he yelled as his men quickly got up and bowed to him while leaving in a rush ..............

As he tried to calm ..........he took hold of the file and flipped it open ..................the moment his eyes met the picture of the doctor ........they widened ........how could someone be so beautiful and innocent at the same time .......... he thought while he read her details. 

Wang Y/n was a 26 year old successful doctor , however she was a single parent ..............she was the mother of a young and beautiful 6-year old girl ...........whose name was Wang Yui ........ y/n had been caught in a series of events due to which she was raped and ended up having a baby girl.........  even though Yui was not a  sign of love ........Y/n couldn't get rid of the innocent soul and hence decided to keep the baby ..........

A sly smirk made his way to j-hope's face as he imagined the look on her face when he forced himself on her . the way she'll scream when he marked her ...........and her daughter.............he'll use her as a pawn to keep Y/n with him forever  ................

he'll use her as a pawn to keep Y/n with him forever 

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"Wang Y/n ............you'll be mine ......no matter how much you cry or beg  .......in the end .........you'll always be at my mercy .......get ready for hell JUNG Y/N " just the thought of his surname in Y/n's name made him laugh like a maniac................


Sitting peacefully in her office , Y/n was sipping her coffee while reading the report of her new patient .........he is creepy though ............she thought while taking another sip of the liquid .............she was brought out from the train of thoughts when a helper barged in her office , panting , with a worried expression on his face making it evident that something was wrong ............

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