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Running and running , your legs felt numb but you couldn't afford to stop ...........not when you were this close to freedom. it had been 2 months since that monster of a  person saw you for the first time .................

2 months ago :

as always was that day of the week , it started to look like a routine now . heavy built men in black suits used to come to your house and your father , being the protective type, always asked you to go out or leave the room or go to sleep ........this time too . he had asked you to go to your room  ........... "what was going on downstairs?" you thought. suddenly you heard a blood-curling scream  from the living room sounded like your mother . you wanted to shake it off when another scream followed louder then the previous one ..........

running downstairs while tripping over the stairs you barged into the living room not prepared to see what fate had stored for stood dead in your place when you noticed the dead bodies of both your mother and your father ...............covered in blood .............with stab marks all over .......their neck slit into 2 halves ...... as you trailed your eyes over them ..............they met with his .......

they met with his

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you screamed .............well your parent were dead on the floor and a strange man in your house ............what were you supposed to do ? ........

" i like the way you scream princess........but if you don't shut up now'll regret "  he said taking dangerous steps towards you ....your eyes welled up with tears as you got over the shock and realized he had  killed your parents........."w-who are you ? w-what did you do to them ?" you asked sobbing .........."well baby , they owed me money and didn't repay it so i killed them ...........don't worry sweetheart ...they had to die ........sooner or later " he said now very close to you ..........he closed his eyes and lowered his neck , sniffing in your scent "mhmm" he sighed in satisfaction . "p-please let me go .........." you begged thinking he would listen 

"oh ...i would've if you hadn't been this much of a beauty're coming with me sweetheart whether you like it or not " 

and just  like that  he took you away and married you forcefully ..........


running for about an hour , you came to a stop on a bridge, he must've got to know you were missing from his mansion or should i say............hell . just as you came to a halt .....big, long , black cars stopped in front of you . you froze as he made his way out of the car and walked toward you ......his anger evident in each step he took..........

"going somewhere JEON Y/N?!?" he asked  emphasising the last part while he continued to come closer to you

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"going somewhere JEON Y/N?!?" he asked  emphasising the last part while he continued to come closer to you ...... you started tearing up as he grabbed  your hair and yanked you closer to him " DIDN'T I TELL YOU  YOU ARE MINE HUH?  DID YOU REALLY THINK YOU COULD ESCAPE ME ? YOU NEVER LEARN BUT THIS TIME I'LL MAKE SURE YOU DO !" he yelled as he dragged you towards his car. 

the whole ride was silent ...... you didn't want to make him more angry so you stayed quiet .........but the thought of punishment waiting for you at home scared the hell out of you....... you sobbed heavily but quietly as his grip tightened on the steering turning the knuckles white . 

he stopped the car and got out of it slamming the door behind him .......he opened the door as he grabbed your wrist harshly and dragged you inside he made his way towards the living room he threw you on the ground and seated himself on the couch " EVERYONE GET THE FUCK OUT "  he yelled as everyone started racing out while giving you a pitiful look ....... suddenly he grabbed your chin harshly  " BEG RIGHT NOW !!"

you immediately fell to your knees as tears started flowing from your eyes uncontrollably "j-junkook

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you immediately fell to your knees as tears started flowing from your eyes uncontrollably "j-junkook ..i-im sorry ...... p-please forgive me ........i-i swear i w-won't do it again .....p-please" you begged ...........a smirk made it's way towards his lips as he said " what's the magic word sweetheart?" ......"p-please ...i beg you " you replied soon as you finished he grabbed your wrist and pulled you on  his lap and looked at your state ...........puffy eyes ,red nose  and plump lips .........." oh the things i'd do to you " he said as he placed his palm on both side of your face

"baby you are promising me right ? you won't try to run ever again ?" he asked as you nodded vigorously like a child ....he chuckled as his eyes turned dark ......."but i can't trust you now doll ........i need to find something to make you stay ...........maybe..............burden  you with ...........resposibilities? hmmm? " he said as he snaked his one arm around you  and grabbed your thighs from the other 

he suddenly picked you up in bridal style and started walking towards your bedroom realised what he had been talking about ..........he wanted to snatch your innocence from you wiggled and screamed in his arms ..........."

"shhhhhhhhh...........don't cry now baby'll have  enough reasons to cry tomorrow's gonna be a long night " 

as the night darkened , screams echoed through the mansion , a  girl's scream because of her one devil of a husband .

as the night darkened , screams echoed through the mansion , a  girl's scream because of her one devil of a husband

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Hello potatoes .............. with this we come to an end of the ff runaway wife ...................hope you guys liked it ...............please make sure to vote looking forward to requests so i don't loose motivation ........bbye ya guys 

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