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Mustering up all the courage you could find deep inside of you , you finally decided .........you were finally going to ask him for a divorce today......... interrupting you thoughts , you heard the doorbell  ringing impatiently "that must be him " you thought . as soon as you opened the door your eyes met with his .

it was pretty evident how he had forced himself to smile on you

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it was pretty evident how he had forced himself to smile on you ...."shit he had a bad day" you thought . "what ? your not greeting me ....hmmm?" he asked getting into the house ......"u-uh .....i.....good  e-evening " you answered   " hmm........get me some water y/n ......i had a very long day " he said as he plopped on the couch and threw his head back ............ you rushed towards the kitchen and grabbed the glass of water, brisking back towards him.......i have to do it today itself  ........... you thought as you made your way back towards him ........" umm namjoon ..........can we talk ? you asked as you handed him the glass of water ........."not now y/n .......im tired as hell " he said while gulping the water down .

"please namjoon .........it's important ..........it's about us " you said trying to read his reaction ............"fine .........go on then " he said clearly frustrated........." Namjoon it's not working out ......you and me ..........you don't let me out and go anywhere .......this needs to end namjoon ...........i want a divorce "you said trying to act strong  ..............suddenly the aura around the both of you turned dark as his eyes turned emotionless 

suddenly the aura around the both of you turned dark as his eyes turned emotionless 

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  "what did you say ? ......why don't you try and repeat it  KIM Y/N ?" he said emphasising the last part , while getting up from the couch and making his way dangerously towards you ....." i-i want a divorce namjoon "  you said now trying your best not to tear up since he was scaring the shit out of you ......... suddenly a flower vase   was smashed on the floor now in million pieces ............now he was towering over you ...........grabbing your wrist he pinned you harshly on the nearest wall ............"DIVORCE .....HUH? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE HUH? DID I MARRY YOU WITH YOUR PERMISSION ? WHAT MAKES YOU THINK DIVORCE IS YOUR CHOICE HUH? " he yelled as he grabbed your hair , pulling your hair . " a-ahh .....namjoon please let me go ....you're hurting me .....please " you begged as tears streamed down your face .....you couldn't pretend to be strong anymore .......

"i don't even yell at you or get angry with you normally ..........maybe you're taking me for granted ..........do i need to remind you who's in-charge kitten ? you've crossed lines today baby ...............you'll see why you shouldn't make me angry ..........you'll regret princess " he said as he started grabbing your throat .

you'll regret princess " he said as he started grabbing your throat

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"namjoon please let me go .........p-please " you said struggling as it was getting hard to breathe now ........your vision started blurring as tears still flowed from your eyes "oh don't pass out on me yet " he said chuckling darkly .....instead of letting loose he tightened his grip around your neck ......you started  loosing consciousness  as you heard him say "your mine , only mine kim fucking y/n "

you were brought back to consciousness as water splashed on you .....you opened your eyes only to find  yourself tied to  a chair in a dark basement ..........."what place is this " you wondered ..........you brought your eyes up from the rope to front of you where you found him glaring at you darkly........" namjoon ..i-im sorry please ..........p-please let me go "  you sobbed ......"oh no .....not yet baby ............i haven't claimed you yet ..........." he said while taking out a knife from his pockets and coming closer to you .....the sight of him with a knife scared you beyond limits as you started shaking .........

"oh don't worry  babe ...its very sharp ......we won't even have a single problem"

we won't even have a single problem"

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the both of you were cuddling on the bed as you still denied the thought to stop crying ............he back-hugged you  as he admired victoriously the mark he had made on your arm........... RM ..........it said in bold letters ...........you were still sobbing when suddenly he pulled you closer  and turned you around ........."no-one can separate us  right   doll ? not even you ......not even god himself ......right ?" not getting an answer from you, he dug his nails on the side of your waist earning a hiss from you ..........your hands were not the only place you had bruises now ........... "y-yes"  you said not trying to get him angrier ........

he smirked as he stared at your face ...........red puffy doe eyes ,  red nose , wet lips ..........how much you were making him suffer .........he hid his face in the crook of your neck "oh the things i'd do to you "......... he whispered seductively  ............while taking a deep breath to control himself he leaned in and kissed you softly ..............after a minute........he pulled away , closing  his eyes   he sighed in satisfaction ........."sleep kitten .........you must be tired " he said as he pulled the duvet over the both of you .............

with that you knew .........you could never escape ........you were KIM Y/N.......... 

Hello potaetoes

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Hello potaetoes ...............with this we come to an end to the ff divorce ........hope you guys liked it ...........please make sure to vote ................i look ahead to requests so i don't loose motivation .............lova ya guys......stay healthy always ........bbye 

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