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The world famous, k-pop idol with a fan following from all around the globe .   He was a well known billionaire and owned several apartments in the metro city of seoul . With being an idol and going to world tours and having concerts, he was the brand ambassador  of several fashion brands like Gucci and Vogue . 

But beneath all that normal celebrity facade , laid his darkest secrets. His filthy obsession with blood pooling out of a living vessel as he stabbed them mercilessly . as he tore their flesh , the screams of pain and agony fueled his sadistic fantasies. But the public needn't know about it right?. it was all his pretty little secret

There he was , standing proud and tall as he waved at his fans from his car, acting like he hadn't murdered the maid in his house not hours ago. It was her fault anyway. How dare she  try and seduce him? . How dare she think he'll want anything other than her  blood coating his fingers as he tore open her skin and ripped out her organs ? ....and he always got what he wanted. 

Stupid, naive women ...tch.......he thought mentally as he kept waving at the crowd in front of him. Getting off the car he mentally rolled his eyes as the girls screamed their hearts out as just the sight of him.

 Getting off the car he mentally rolled his eyes as the girls screamed their hearts out as just the sight of him

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Running his dark orbs around the crowd, his breath hitched as the landed on her. Heart thrumming in his chest, he took of his glasses to get a better look of the  beauty in front of him as his wide eyes raked over her short ,petite form. No more than 5'5 , she looked so gorgeous ,flashing him a wide smile as if he were her saviour , as if she knew he'd protect her......and that he will......

Ignoring the other hungry eyes drooling over him. He walked to her , his strides long and desperate to know the goddess he was meant to snatch and hide from the world. Stopping in front of her as she froze in shock. he took her hand and kissed her knuckled, brushing his lips tenderly over the soft skin of her hand. "gorgeous" he murmured as a sly grin formed on his face , taking in the little tremble and the gasp of shock from her plump, rosy lips .

"Your name, precious?" he asked his voice deep and gravy with desire as the world around him disappeared, leaving only the both of them to each other. 

Her- his salvation , his light , his reason to remain sane

Him- her cage, her darkness , her hell

" Y/n " she said, her voice flowing with innocence and naivety . "Y/n" he repeated , his cock straining in his pants just by her name. he released her hand with a grunt and looked down at the  gorgeous maiden in front of him. "save yourself for me, love " he glowered down at her with a sense of possessiveness in his tone.

THE THINGS I'D DO TO YOU - BTS ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now