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Heart thrumming in your chest, you follow behind the prison guard meekly, your entire form trembling, your knees weak from nervousness. you might as well identify as a bundle of nerves right now. 

You were on your way to end things with him. Jungkook.  Your one heck of a boyfriend.  Well soon-to-be ex- boyfriend. you had practiced atleast a million times now. saying that he was crazy is a understatement. He was absolutely insane on all the levels insanity existed .  

You stumbled , your nerves getting the best of you as the guard escorted you to the visiting rooms. Keep calm y/n. he wont hurt you . you reminded yourself as the guard stopped in front of a  large metal door . You chanted all the lines you had practiced in your head. how you would tell him it was too much. how you couldn't forget what he did, let alone forgive . How he was too much for you and how you had to break up with him, even though you loved him with all your heart.

The guard cleared his throat , coughing, bringing you out of your chain of thoughts. "He's inside. we'll be monitoring you and him . don't worry we wont let him hurt you. Also your conversation won't be audible to us to provide you privacy"  he smiled at you, reassuringly opening the gate for you to step inside. With your heart racing a hundred miles ,you set step inside the room. Jumping in surprise , when the gate closed after you , you dragged your gaze around the room until they rested on him.

 Jumping in surprise , when the gate closed after you , you dragged your gaze around the room until they rested on him

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" Darling " came his deep, gravely voice . a wide smile spreading across as his eyes glowed with love and......obsession.

He tugged at his wrists, bound behind his back to refrain him from  any movement. He grumbled under his breath and shot her a glare. " you better bring your sexy ass here before i break these  cuffs off.  I'm  seconds away from literally losing it" . A shiver slithered up her spine as she made her way to standing in front of him , her legs weak with  fear  of  his threat. 

"you're shaking . everything okay, beautiful?" he tenderly asked you  as he ushered you to his sit on his lap. with a nervous smile , you placed yourself on his lap and shook your head, not willing to find out  how quick  he would lose his patience with you . His eyes darkened as your  throat bobbed with terror of having to lie with him. " Did the guard get too friendly with what's mine?. Answer me , darling."  He snarled lowly, his voice dropping an octave as he  bore his dark orbs across your nervous features.  

your  eyes widened as you remembered all the events that brought a havoc in your  life the day before yesterday. The reason he had ended up in prison. The bloody mess, the broken bones, the people killed. You remembered all of it as it had been a minute ago . 

You and jungkook had gone out to celebrate your one year anniversary. You decided to go to a nearby club to dance the night away with the love of your life. You were carefree, both of you so in love that neither you nor him noticed another guy in his twenties inching closer to you. the poor soul. he towered behind you and groped your ass, massaging it gently as he flashed you a menacing smirk. A loud gasp made jungkook shoot his head towards you and look at the scene unfolding in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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