Part 7: Shhh...

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Hyunjin went to school that day as though nothing had happened. He was definitely exhausted, however. Man, that girl put up one hell of a fight. He skipped happily to the cafeteria table again, just as he did now everyday. His friends were all there already, the atmosphere still pretty awkward from the day before. Hyunjin sat down in his usual spot, right beside Felix. The small blonde boy leaped up excitedly and jumped into Hyunjin's arms. 

"Hi, Jinnie!!" 
"H-Hello, Lix-xie." 

Hyunjin smiled as he held Felix. The younger made himself comfortable in Hyunjin's lap. For the first ten minutes all was fine. Suddenly Hyunjin felt chills shoot up his spine, his eyes widening as he quickly whipped his head up and looked toward the end of the table. Minho. Hyunjin had known someone was staring at him since he walked into the cafeteria, he was used to it. He was odd, when you're an black sheep like he is, you get used to the looks when you walk past. But this was different. Minho wasn't looking at him in disgust, or grimacing at him as though his mere presence was disgraceful. This was something else, and Hyunjin's heart dropped when he realized. Minho was looking at him in fear. He tapped Felix's side gently, motioning for the boy to get off as he quickly stood up and dashed out of the cafeteria. His eyes were wide and he could feel himself begin to sweat nervously. Minho knows, he knows, he knows. He saw you, you fool. You weren't careful enough. behind him, the moment Hyunjin sped out, Minho shot up just as quickly and darted after the boy. He chased Hyunjin until the boy had stumbled and fallen to the floor. They were in the middle of the park. The same park. Minho stuttered to a stop as he watched Hyunjin on the ground, his body shaking desperately with sobs and gasps for air. Minho couldn't help it, in that moment, he pitied the younger boy. He looked so...shattered. How could this be the boy from the night before? The same boy that Minho was currently lifting up gently in his arms, the same boy that Minho was now holding as close to his chest as he could despite Hyunjin's desperate attempts to shove the older boy away. This couldn't be the same person. 

"N-NO! Y-You can't--!! I-I ca-an't go back th-th-ere!!" 

Minho's face turned into a confused expression as he grabbed Hyunjin by the shoulders and shook him. 

"Hyunjin! Hyunjin, listen to me! Go back where?!" 

Hyunjin simply cried and shook his head. His eyes widening as his head began to spin the flashbacks, replaying them in his head like a movie. 


13 years old. The brunette boy screamed and yelled, fighting with all he had in him as the men on either side of him lifted his petite body into the air before throwing him into the all white room, carelessly. His small framed went directly into the bed, another yell ripping itself from his throat as he felt the metal frame tear his delicate skin. He cried and fought, banging on the doors until his screams turned into silent sobs, his voice having left his throat. Hyunjin. The boy spent hours a day in that pitiful white room just screaming. He'd scream util his lungs couldn't take it anymore and he'd finally pass out from low oxygen intake. When the screaming failed, he began to bang on the door. He'd sit there and cry, hitting the door with as much blunt force as he could with his small fists. He yelled and cried, beating the door until his hands bled. 

"L-LET ME O-O-UT!!" 

He'd cry. No one came for him. He'd murdered the only family he had. This isn't what Hyunjin wanted, he didn't wanna be held in this room for days. Weeks. Months. How long had it been truly? Hyunjin didn't know. He simply cried. He just didn't want to hurt anymore. He didn't deserve to be here, he'd only done it because they'd spent years hurting Hyunjin. Why was he the one who got into trouble? Hyunjin let out another throat shredding scream as he kicked and hit the wall with all his might. He wanted out, he wanted out, he wanted out!!  



Hyunjin looked at Minho, his eyes filled with tears. 

"H-Hyungie...I know y-you sa-saw...I..y-you can't tell one!! Y-You can't l-let them take m-me away, Hyungie!" 

Minho blinked as he looked at Hyunjin nervously, but slowly, he nodded. He wouldn't let them take away Hyunjin. whoever they  were, he wouldn't let them touch Hyunjin. They'd have to go through Minho first, and as he promised, Minho told no one about what he saw that night. Was it insane? Yes. Minho didn't even know why he'd agreed to keep it a secret, but seeing Hyunjin's smile afterward made Minho almost dizzy. No one would take Hyunjin away from him. Minho pulled Hyunjin into a tight embrace, Hyunjin's thin frame pressed against Minho as his eyes widened slightly. In that moment, Hyunjin knew. He had Minho. Minho was his, and he had him wrapped around his finger, and now anyone who stepped in his way of he and his hyung, would suffer. Hyunjin hugged the older back just as tightly, both of them allowing themselves to just...sit there and soak in the moment. Minho's body relaxed ever so slightly as he slid down, laying his head gently in the younger's lap. Hyunjin smiled down at him as he toyed softly with Minho's hair. 

"J-Jinnie has g-go-ot you now, hyu-ungie. N-No one is g-o-going to take you away from m-me. Never." 

The words comforted Minho somehow, he felt safe. Slowly, Minho felt himself drift away, in more ways than one. His mind became ever so foggy as he looked up at the blonde boy holding him. One thing was obvious to Minho, this boy was afraid. Hyunjin, was afraid. Of what, Minho wasn't sure, Hyunjin had his secrets, and Minho had his


15 years old, he'd been there 2 years now. Hyunjin had grown taller. He was still as thin as could be, but the boy was beautiful. His hair had grown with him, the brunette bangs flowing naturally over his eyes, shaping his face perfectly. He was still in his room, the same room from 2 years before. The door and walls were still tinted pink from the blood that had come from his own hands. His own blood. The custodian (A/N: Is that a thing in mental asylums or like...psyche wards? I really don't know much abt them except the shit you hear in ghost stories-) had tried numerous times to get the stains out, but to no avail. One of the few times Hyunjin was allowed out of his room, the doctor assigned to him, Dr. Kim, was the one who guided him. He led him outside into the  garden where many other patients were lingering as well. Hyunjin's breath caught in his throat as he knelt down carefully, his eyes widening slightly in excitement and curiosity. He reached out slowly, gently caressing the surface of the delicate flower petal. It was beautiful. Hyunjin had never seen in such a small, living organism. Carefully, he picked one before standing back up and smiling at Dr. Kim. 

"Let's go eat, Hyunjin. You'll be dining in the cafeteria today." 

And so the two left.
They left the garden. 
Leaving behind the boy who was hiding behind a nearby tree. 
Leaving behind the boy who'd watched that whole interaction. 
Leaving behind the boy whom Hyunjin sensed watching them, but said nothing. 

And that night, when he returned to his room, he and Dr. Kim found the door ajar. 
Inside Hyunjin's room the floor, and bed had been covered in a blanket of flowers. 

The same flowers that Hyunjin had been fascinated with in the garden. 



A/N: WAHOOOOO! Let's see who the loyal readers of this story are 💀 I know I haven't updated like half my stories since like...last September, but I promise I'll be getting on them! I've finally updated this one, and "I got the boy" will be next! I'm so excited to have time for writing again. Look forward to more updates soon! 

Love ya bitchesss<3

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