8: Oh, that stings..

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Hyunjin had always been what his father liked to call a...pretty boy. Everywhere he went all eyes were on him. He could always sense when he was being watched, or looked at, and every time he was right. Whether it was his brother watching him from across the room, or a creep on the street. And he could always tell the intentions of the person watching him. He could always tell the difference between when he was being watched fondly, as he walked down the hallway at school and the girls would stare, dumbfounded at him, not sure whether they wanted to be him, or date him, or when he was being watch eerily, by a person's who's intention was to hurt Hyunjin, whether that be out of jealousy or craving. Being at the psyche ward, Hyunjin was stared at a lot. He could always feel it, and almost every time it was a creepy stare. The stare of a blood thirsty serial killer, or something similar. However, this time it was different. As he stood in that garden, eyes locked on the beautiful flowers before him, he could sense the eyes on him again. But these eyes weren't desperate, or eerie. These eyes weren't hungry, or angry. They were curious, and intrigued.  They watched in silence, and excitement. Almost innocence. The feeling made Hyunjin smile. Now, looking at the primroses that covered his room's floor like a thin blanket, and were as well scattered over his bed, Hyunjin smiled again. Carefully, he walked over to the wall where a little piece of paper was nailed to the wall. His footsteps were delicate and silent. Dangerous. Gently, he tore the paper off the nail and held it up, reading it. 

"Yoυ lιĸe тнeѕe, rιɢнт? I ѕαw yoυ ιɴ тнe ɢαrdeɴ. Tнey're вeαυтιғυl, jυѕт lιĸe yoυ αre. I нope yoυ lιĸe мy ɢιғт."

Hyunjin hummed quietly, looking at the handwriting with a small smile. 

"Wow, Hyunjin. Quite popular aren't you?" 

Dr.Kim said with a light chuckle. 

"Let's get you a container to put this in, yes? Start gathering them up, I'll be right back. 


Hyunjin sat up groggily as he yawned, aggressively grabbing his alarm clock and throwing it across the room, the object shattering and creating a small chip in his dresser. He stood up and opened his closet doors, quickly getting himself dressed for school. His thoughts kept traveling back to Minho, and how Hyunjin recognized the look in his eyes. He'd seen it before, that sparkle. He'd seen it in the other patients, at the hospital. The look of insanity. And now, Hyunjin couldn't help but realize that he knew almost nothing of the older's life. He wonders if maybe, like himself, Minho had a bloody past. A past that haunted him in a way he couldn't understand no matter how hard he tried. The way Minho held onto him. Hyunjin knew now, that he could continue to take the lives of those who try to touch Minho, but either way, Minho was already his. Surly the older boy would understand, if not for him, then for Hyunjin himself. For the fun of it? For the sake of silencing the voices in his head that whisper for him to dirty his hands with someone else's blood? What was his real motive? The voices? Minho? Fun? Or perhaps because Hyunjin still hadn't fully gotten over the anger of what his family had done to him as a child? Was Hyunjin just angry at the world now, because no one saved him, and instead punished him when he took matters into his own hands? Was spilling his own family's blood not enough? Hyunjin's eyes filled with tears as he stood in front of his bedroom doorway. They all deserved it! They all watched, they saw, they knew, and yet no body as much as tried to save me. I had to save myself! Why was I the one who was in the wrong? Had somebody just rescued me like I'd wished for so long, would I be here now? Would I have still done what I'd done? Would I still have ended up in that hospital?  Hyunjin's head pounded and raced with questions. His heart was beating but he shoved it all down and instead smiled, and waved Minhyuk goodbye as he left for school. Minhyuk. Yet another memory he lived with from the hospital. He was the doctor who took over for Dr. Kim, after Hyunjin had attacked him. Hah. Hyunjin still remembers that incident clearly. It was the day he'd receive his second note from the boy, the same one from the garden. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !!!! TW- BLOOD !!!!

Hyunjin hated the cafeteria. He hated it because of the hungry stares he'd receive. I'm not your meal, I'm capable of tearing you to bits. You dare look at me like I'm your prey? I'll shove that spoon so deep in your ear canal that it'll tickle your brain! He'd think to himself. Although in there for similar reasons, he always considered the other patients to be below him, mainly because they looked at him with the same attitude. In his mind, they had no right to think they were above him, as they were locked in here just like he was, so why were they so much better? Why did they deserve respect? This angered him. However, what angered him more was when Dr. Kim tried to justify them, and sadly, this was one of those nights. Oh, they've been here longer? What did that have to do with Hyunjin? That wasn't his problem. And how did that justify them looking at him like lions at a fresh chunk of gazelle? Hyunjin's anger grew as Dr. Kim continued to state how they just didn't know any better. He didn't wanna hear it anymore. Hyunjin needed to shut him up somehow, and he solved the problem the only way he know how to. He jumped onto Dr. Kim and pinned him to the floor. Dr. Kim screamed in agony as Hyunjin began to dig his nails into the older male's skin, clawing at it, targeting his throat, the source of his voice. He scratched and tore at the skin until he had ripped the doctor's throat open, ripping the insides out, blood spilling onto the floor. The crimson liquid stained both Hyunjin's hands and his gown. Looking down at his doctor's now dead body, he finally became aware of the chills traveling down his back. He was being watched again. The same eyes from the garden. He felt them. Quickly he whipped his head around, only to see another note taped neatly on the wall. Carefully, he stood up and grabbed the note, opening it. 

"You're right. These fuckers should be honored to even be blessed with your presence. They're weak minded, unlike you. You know what you want, and do all necessary to get it, isn't that right, Hyunjin? I quite like you. 

p.s; You look pretty in red.


A/N: This chap feels so weak tbh, but i hope yall enjoy it :D im off to bed now, bye bye

love ya bitches<3

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