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HELIUM — glass animals

ONE thing about anastasia was that she was the most unorganised person in the world. for example, she was running out to ben's car barefoot, rollers still stuck in her hair and a hairbrush in her hand.

"why are you here so early?!" she cursed him out, opening the back door and getting into the car. naomi started to laugh, anastasia kicking the back of her seat.

"we said seven, it's now.. seven thirty." ben rolled his eyes, looking at her through the mirror.

"just shut up, i need to to my hair. do you have a mirror, nai?" she rushed out. naomi handed her a little compact makeup mirror, earning a quiet 'thank you' from her friend.

the rollers were soon pulled out of her long hair and she brushed her hair so it wasn't tangled. then she slipped her high heels on her feet, staring at them for a few minutes and deciding that she hated them.

"these shoes are so fucking ugly, what was i thinking.." she mumbled, slumping down in the back seat and crossing her arms over her stomach.

last minute, naomi and ben had decided they wanted to go out, for no particular reason, but they had asked anastasia to join them, knowing full well she wasn't able to turn down alcohol.

the club they had picked was apparently very exclusive, nothing like anastasia was ever in, and that had only put more pressure on anastasia, because who knows who could be at the club.

"some of the lads will be here tonight, ana, so best behaviour." naomi turned her head around to look at her friend who was sat behind her.

"i'm always on my best behaviour, when have i not been on my best behaviour-"

"when you begged the dj to let you pick a song, and then proceeded to pick heartless by the weeknd and scream the lyrics with my best mate." ben cut in, making anastasia groan.

"it's an amazing song, okay?"

"whatever you say.." the footballer rolled his eyes, pulling into a parking space near the club. they all got out of the car, both girls fixing their hair in the car windows.

ben's hand soon slipped down and wrapped around naomi's waist, immediately making her feel lonely, but also sick because they were so cute. 

"i can already see so many potential husbands." anastasia said to naomi, making the blonde roll her eyes.

"you always do, that's the problem."

the girl just shrugged in response, silently agreeing to the comment. anastasia meets guys, falls deeply in love way too fast and then gets her heart broken. it's just routine at this  point.

"remember that one time you tried to marry neymar-"

"okay, okay. i get it, i'm a desperate slut, don't say it out loud!" her hands were covering her face in embarrassment, wanting to die in a hole.

"i mean.. not everyone can say that they kissed neymar jr."

"who kissed neymar?!" someone gasped from beside them. both girls turned their heads to see declan, ben and mason.

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