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THE BLONDE — tv girl.

FOUR drinks in and anastasia and naomi had already let loose, dancing together in the middle of the club with the music pumping through their veins. anastasia had decided she wasn't going to drink too much, but after downing four in an hour, the idea wasn't going to plan.

eventually, the pair got sick of dancing so they walked back over to their friends, who were all piled in the corner of the club. naomi didn't invite too many people, just a few friends of her and ben's, a few cousins and her sister jasmine.

the group filled up two tables, of course naomi and anastasia were sat beside each other. when ben caught sight of the two he quickly stood up, not daring to take their seats.

anastasia sat down beside mason, where she had been prior to her dancing break.

the footballer wasn't sure if it was the good amount of alcohol in his system or just adrenaline, but either way, his hand found it's way onto her inner thigh when she had settled back into the seat, catching her slightly off guard.

biting her cheek in an attempt to stop a smile breaking onto her lips, she could feel his thumb circling on her soft skin, that being the breaking point, the smile spreading across her lips like wildfire.

this didn't go unnoticed by mason, also grinning knowing that she was liking it too.

both were still adding to the current conversation between their table, about what is a reasonable age to stop using snapchat, the topic of course being brought up by ben.

"i still use it." anastasia defended.

"yeah, but you're like ten years younger then us, there's a difference." naomi joked, earning a kick to the leg under the table.

"i don't think there's really an age limit on it.." the brunette added.

"yeah but, wouldn't you not be freaked out if a forty year old man still used it? that's just odd." ben said, naomi and mason agreeing with him.

"when you put it like that.."

the conversation went on, mason hand still on anastasia's thigh and by the end of the night her head was rested on his shoulder.

truthfully, she was even tired, but it happened because naomi told her a cringey joke and she put her head on mason's shoulder to hide, laughing uncontrollably, but then just didn't bother to move. he didn't mind, at all.

at around half twelve, everyone piled into ubers, ben trying to take care of naomi to the best of his ability, since the girl had gotten far too drunk. surprisingly, anastasia wasn't even half drunk, feeling like she could run a marathon, mason wasn't either.

"ah naomi you bitch, you didn't bring our keys!" anastasia whisper shouted, knowing that if she actually shouted she would send her friend into cardiac arrest.

"oh my god, i totally forgot!" the blonde gasped, sitting up straight in the uber.

"you're an idiot." the brazilian muttered, staring out the window.

"stop with the portuguese shit! i can't understand it woman!" naomi groaned, frantically turning her phone on and pressing google translate, "could you repeat that please?"

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