extra love (WM & NR)

919 16 2

warnings: killing, torture, general crime/mission stuff, talks of sex

prompt: y/n is the girlfriend of wanda maximoff and natasha romanoff, an unexpectedly tough mission leaves y/n feeling emotional and vulnerable.

this is a long one, i kinda got carried away lmao


as i walk through the compound to grab a snack, i grab the remote to turn on the tv tony installed in the kitchen. when i turn it on, i see the local news ankers face. to the left is a picture of steve, wanda, and bucky. the news anker got teary eyed as he talked about another success done by the avengers. this morning, the 3 of them went on a mission to stop a group of men in  Boston that kept attacking young girls on the street. 

the tv then flashed two photos of beat up men by the names of tom roberts and justin callory, the men that have been harassing poor girls for months.

"y/n, bruce, natasha, and bucky to the my office please." fury called over the speaker in the compound and i grabbed my bowl of fruit.

i sat in the chair in front of fury's desk and smiled at bucky as bruce and nat walked in. bruce snatched a couple of my strawberries and winked at me.

"go get your own food shrek boy!" i complained and fury shushed us as nat gently scolded me for acting childish.

"you guys will be heading out into the city of Milwaukee. there's a criminal organization that has killed over 10 people in the last month. the FBI has attempted to stop them, but they're very powerful. they asked for our help so don't screw this up." fury explains as he hands nat the folder of information, as she is the most mature one here.

"no pressure..." bucky mumbles and i snort.

"alright children time to get on the jet." nat adds and gently pushes me out the door out to the jet.

we take our seats, bucky and bruce on one side of the table and nat and i on the other.

"nuh uh, sit here." nat says as she points to her lap.

"okay" i mumble quietly as we take off and nuzzle my face into her neck as she rubs my back.

"the scariest woman on earth being soft??" bruce sarcastically acts shocked.

"oh shut up pea brain."

"baby wanda's calling." nat tells me, causing me to perk up like all excited puppy.

"hey wands! y/n is here too!" wanda excitedly says hi to both of us and tells us about her mission. we tell her about ours.

"okay be safe guys, keep each other safe and alive. when you guys get back we're having dinner and a movie night, steve and i's treat!" she says and we all get excited.

"sounds good, love you darling." nat says.

"love you nat, i love you too baby y/n/n." i reciprocate her words and smile. although i'm still one of the most feared assassins in the world, i'm their baby.



the jet has just landed and bruce and bucky begin to grab their guns and gear. y/n is sleeping peacefully on my lap and i feel horrible knowing that i have to wake her up.

"Y/N!" bruce shouts and y/n jumps up as i grab the gun out of my pocket and aim it at bruce. he holds his arms up in surrender.

"if you ever, and i mean ever, wake her up like that again, i will not hesitate to pull this trigger." i threaten him, meaning every word.

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