daydreaming (WM)

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warnings: none, just pure fluff (pretty short)

prompt: y/n has been daydreaming a lot recently, so wanda decides to tap into her mind and see what she is thinking about.


"hi baby!" i say excitedly as i enter the living room and see y/n reading a book.

"hey love" she quietly replies before going back to reading her book.

i've learned to never interrupt her reading time because she has told me before that when she reads she feels at peace. when you're an avenger, there is hardly ever any peace, so i don't wanna take away the little bit that she has. also because i have seen her chase tony around the compound for interrupting her reading. 

"meeting now avengers, don't be late" tony calls over the speaker.

"are you kidding me?? i'm gonna kill him i swear, he keeps interrupting my alone time!" y/n's cheeks turn red from her anger. i walk up to her and cup both sides of her face.

"you're cute when your mad." i kiss her nose and grab her hand to lead her to the meeting room.

when we arrive, everyone else has already taken their seats. y/n and i take the last two seats at the end of the table and tony starts discussing his "important matter." 

while tony starts to talk about suit modifications, upcoming missions, and mission reports, i notice y/n zoning out. she looks deep in thought and i attempt to nudge her arm before she gets in trouble, but it's no use. tony looks over at y/n and sees her blankly staring at the table.

"y/n i know it's a nice and very expensive table, but eyes up." tony says jokingly and y/n shoots her head up. she mumbles a small 'sorry' and tony proceeds to share his plans and ideas.

after the meeting is over, y/n goes off to take a shower as nat and i make dinner.

"hey nat? i need advice..." i ask my best friend. she has been an older sister figure to me ever since i moved into the compound years ago.

"what's up wands?" she asks as she chops up some vegetables.

"lately y/n has been zoning out a lot. it's really hard to regain her focus and i'm worried something is wrong. i don't know what to do. i mean sometimes she has a smile on her face and her eyes get brighter, well not literal-"

"wands, breathe. you know she has always been a huge daydreamer."

y/n walks into the kitchen and hops onto nat's back and nat grabs her legs to stabilize her.

"hey baby sis, what's up?" nat says as she giggles and reaches for me. i grab her from nat and she clings onto me.

"nothing much, wands can we watch y/f/m later? it's been so long!" she complains and i smile and nod.


later that evening, y/n and i are laying on our bed and watching the movie. well, i'm watching the movie, but y/n is zoning out again.

"y/n/n are you paying attention?" she doesn't reply and continues to stare off into space. "helloooo earth the y/n!" i raise my voice a little but still nothing.

i've been very curious, and slightly worried, about what's going on in her head recently. so i decide to read her mind. we have a rule with each other that if i think something is wrong, i can read her mind. she always said it's like looking through her phone, she has nothing to hide form me. so i tap into her mind and see a couple different scenarios playing.

in the first scenario, the two of us are sitting in the compound living room. a baby on y/n's chest, and we're both cooing over how adorable the baby is. then the scene shifts to a beach, where we both want to have our wedding. y/n is crying into my shoulder while we have our first dance. lastly, the scene shifts to a field where y/n, 4 kids, and i are having a family picnic. our kids are running around and laughing while y/n lays her head on my lap and smiles as we watch the kids enjoy the life we were both taken away from as kids.

i exit her mind and smile down at her as she looks up at me.

"you saw it too didn't you?"

"i did baby, you had me worried, i thought something was wrong." i expressed my feelings.

"nothing's wrong, i just love you and can't stop thinking about spending the rest of our lives together." she blushes and i kiss her passionately, the kiss filled with love and happiness.

"it was a beautiful narrative my sweet girl, i can't wait to see our future unfold." i rub her back and she nods in agreement.

"how many kids do you want wands?" she asks and i smile.

"as many as your precious heart desires." 

"always such a charmer maximoff."

"thank you future mrs. maximoff."

imma be honest idk what this is but school is an ass so sorry for inconsistent posting lmfaoo

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