rainbows (SJ)

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warnings: none

prompt: y/n sees a rainbow and asks scarlett to pull over...leading to a life changing moment :)


y/n and i were driving home from the grocery store and ranting about things going on in our lives. she was just given the opportunity to produce an upcoming movie, which she is over the moon about. listening to her talk about her passions is enough to make me happy forever. 

"i start the production process on wednesday!" she squeals and i smile at her.

"i'm happy for you my love." i squeeze her hand and switch the windshield wipers on as a dark cloud appears above us, spitting out heavy raindrops.

"how has florence been?" ever since florence and i shot black widow together, we became friends quickly. one day, florence came over for lunch after a shoot, and her and y/n became friends instantly. now, they're best friends, and the 3 of us hang out all the time.

"she's good! she's on press tour for a movie, but when she comes back, we plan on going out to eat!" she looks over at me and nods with a small smile.

"wait, pull over!" she shouts suddenly and i panic at her tone.

"are you okay, what's wrong??" i ask as i pull the car off into a random field. we're in the middle of nowhere, on a deserted road, and in the middle of a field. this would be super creepy if it was nighttime.

"look!" she points up into the sky at the bright colors shining.

across the field was a beautiful rainbow. the sky a beautiful background blue, the sun shining with a golden hue, which reflected onto our faces.

she runs out of the car and into the field. i laugh at her youthful nature and go to chase after her. before i leave the car, i think for a second, and discretely stuff the small velvet box in my pocket.

"wait up baby!" i yell after her and she turns around, waving me towards her with a look of admiration set in her eyes.

"it's beautiful scar!" she says as i catch up to her, slinging an arm around her shoulder. i bring her in for a small side hug and she lays her head on my chest.

"not as beautiful as you." she playfully rolls her eyes at me and slaps my shoulder.

"stop being so cheesy!" whining, she faces away from me and i stick my hand in my pocket. i internally debate with myself if this is a good idea or not. what if she freaks out and says no?

relax scarlett, she loves you.

my heart begins to race while we fall into a comfortable silence. i feel her hand begin to massage my shoulder as she looks up at me with concern.

"i thought i lost you there, what's wrong?" she questions and kisses my cheek.

"nothing my love, let's watch the sunset and rainbow from here okay?" i reassure her and lean down to properly kiss her. she snuggles into my side, and we sit down on the trunk of the car.

"i don't think anything could make this moment better love." she smiles up at me and i see happy tears flood her eyes. i chuckle at her sweet words and hug her tight. 

i hop off of the trunk and reach my hand out for her to grab. the golden rays of the sun reflect onto her face and she hops off the trunk as well, a confused look on her face. i kneel onto my knee and pull the ring box out of my back pocket. she puts her hands over her mouth in shock and tears begin to run down her face.

"y/n y/m/n y/l/n, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. without you, i wouldn't be where i am, who i am, or what i am. the day i met you and saw that beautiful smile, and those beautiful eyes, i knew i wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. you are my rock, my safe place, my forever. i want to spend forever with you, in a cozy house, with our crazy dogs, cats, and kids. i want to cherish every living moment with you and be by your side for life. you are perfect to me, you're my soulmate. so please, make me the luckiest woman alive and marry me, because i need you to be by my side forevermore."

 i finish my speech with tears streaming out of my eyes. part of me is nervous that she'll say no, that she doesn't see a long-term future with me. i'm quickly pulled out of my anxious thoughts by y/n rapidly nodding her head. 

"YES! a thousand times, YES!" she screams and i jump up to pull her into my arms, into a passionate kiss.


for the rest of the night we lay in bed and ...ya know.

"how was that my beautiful fiancée?" i say as i hover over her, up to her lips.

"amazing. wow i always forget how good you are." she pants as she attempts to catch her breath.

"well i can remind you again if you can't remember..." i smirk at her and she blushes a deep shade of red.

"in a few minutes, i need a breather baby." she chuckles and i lay down on the bed, pulling her on top of me.

"relax for a bit my love, i'm right here if you wanna go again, but if you don't have the energy too, then i'm here to cuddle!" i smile and she kisses me.

"thank you sweetheart."

"anything for my fiancée."

hiiii i wanna apologize for not posting for a couple of weeks. i got a job and on top of that, my anxiety has been insane so i haven't had much motivation to do much. take care of yourselves people!!

(not proofread)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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