my love (YB)

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warnings: none

prompt: yelena and y/n are dating and yelena is secretly a huge softie, which shocks everyone


the whole team laughs as the character in the movie falls. currently, we're all in the movie room after thor insisted that we have a movie and game night. steve, tony, and bucky are on one couch. wanda, nat, and clint are on the bean bags. bruce, sam, and thor are in the massage chairs that tony spent way too much money on. meanwhile, yelena and i are sitting on a couch together as she holds my hand underneath the blanket.

the avengers all know that we're dating, yelena just struggles with showing affection in public. in private she is very affectionate, but in public she puts her walls up. she gets insecure about it at times but i constantly reassure her that i understand. her whole life she was told that love is weakness and for kids, so i understand why she struggles with showing it in front of other people.

"y/n/n can you pass me the chips?" bucky asks as he reaches his hand out.

i let go of yelena's hand to grab the bag for him. he smiles and thanks me. i look at yelena and see an annoyed look on her face.

"you know you have another hand right?" she rolls her eyes and whispers.

"i'm sorry baby" i whisper back and she nods when i grab her hand again.

"can i lay on your lap?" she fiddles with my fingers and looks down nervously.

"of course, here, i'll move the remote." i pat my lap and she reluctantly lays her head on it. i gently brush through her hair with my fingers.

after a couple minutes, i stop running my fingers through her hair to grab the chips back from bucky and sam.

"NO!" yelena yells and everyone looks back in confusion.

"what's wrong lena?" nat asks and i roll my eyes jokingly.

"she's mad that i stopped rubbing her head." everyone stifles a laugh when yelena glares at everyone.

"can you shut up and keep doing it please? it feels good." she whines and i continue with rubbing her head.

"the world's best assassin is a huge softie!" sam exclaims and everyone laughs.

"are they laughing at me?" she asks softly and i shake my head.

"it's cute baby, you're cute." i reassure her and she closes her eyes.

"i always thought y/n was the softie!" wanda says shocked and yelena rolls her eyes.

"she is! she cries in any sad movies, she is constantly in awe looking at baby pictures, she can't fall asleep unless she's laying on my boo-" i cut her off as i realize she's saying way too much.

"OKAY WE GET IT!" everyone laughs and yelena kisses my cheek.

we all decide that it's getting late as most of us have missions tomorrow. yelena and i take the elevator to the girls' floor with nat and wanda. right as yelena and i are about to walk into our room nat stops us.

"i'm proud of you lena." nat knows how hard it is for yelena to open up to people. when she first opened up to me, even i was shocked.

"thank you nat." yelena gives her big sister a hug goodnight and opens the bedroom door for us to go to sleep.

as we cuddle in bed, with my head on her chest, she kisses me all over the face.

"do you think they'll think of me differently now?" she questions.

"absolutely not baby. they love you for who you are, just like i do." she smiles down at me and a tear slips out of her eye. i reach up and wipe it away with my thumb.

"good, because you're my love and i want you to feel how strongly i feel for you not just in private, but in public too." she assures me and i pull her in for a sweet kiss.

"i don't want you to feel the need to force yourself to show me love in public though." i say as she kisses my forehead, pushing back the hairs stuck to it.

"i've gotten to the point where the only person thats judgment and opinion matters to me is you. i don't care what anyone else thinks. i just wanna make you happy!" she smiles at me and i push my lips onto yours.

"you make me the happiest girl in the world my love."

my laptop broke so i had to buy a new one. i hate typing these on my phone because they always seem to have more errors than if i do it on my laptop, so if this is heavy on the errors, i'm sorry lol😭

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