a new beginning (NR)

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warnings: black widow spoilers, dreykov, nat's red room trauma, murder, childhood trauma

prompt: the avengers are sent on a mission to invade and the red room when they come across an unsuspected widow

y/n age: 8

for the most part, i'm changing the plot of when they defeat dreykov!!


"tony, on your left you have a gunman coming down the hall!" clint shouts into our earpieces as we all secure the building. 

years ago i thought i killed dreykov. that was until my sister yelena and i reunited, and her and i were attacked by a group of widows. i always had a sinking feeling that something went wrong, and i guess i should've trusted my instinct.

i open up dreykov's office door and i'm met with a smirking, disgusting man. i look ahead and see his tv screens filled with pictures of younger widows.

"ah natasha, welcome home." he walks towards me, but i put my hand up, warning him to back up.

"this was never my home." i yell and he begins to laugh.

"after all these years you still don't understand. i raised you, i've raised all of you widows. without me you would be nothing. if anything, you should be thanking me. i gave you all skills and lessons to become great assassins."

"YOU GAVE ME NOTHING BUT PAIN." i scream in his face. he punches me straight in the nose and i can feel the energy shift.

"i gave you all a family, a home, a life. i gave you a purpose." he shouts at me and i take my gun out.

"you took us from our families. you destroyed our lives. don't play hero asshole, because nobody sees you as one." 

"you did at one point natalia." he smirks at me and i cringe at the sound of my name coming out of his mouth.

"have you ever had a conversation with someone who actually wanted to talk to you?" i push him back and pin him to the wall with my forearm across his throat.

"my precious widows are gonna burst through that door at any moment. when they see you hurting me, they will kill you, and they will make it a prolonged and torturous death." he laughs to himself and i scoff.

"too bad they're just a little too late. thanks for the punch earlier, you severed the nerve for me." i say as i take my gun and aim it right at his head. 

for the first time in my life, i can see the fear in his eyes. for once, he's showing an emotion. he looks into my eyes and i can see the attempt of persuasion and manipulation. i laugh and pull the trigger. he drops dead on the floor and i feel a weight lift off of my shoulders.

as messed up as it sounds, my life goal was to kill him. he made mine and so many other young girls' lives living hell. he ruined our childhoods and tortured us everyday up until we had our graduation ceremony. then he would violate our bodies and rights, taking away the one thing many of us looked forward to. he ruined all of us.

right as his body drops the doors swing open. in walks a dozen widows, all looking very angry. they all run towards me and i can see the red in their eyes. something i once shared. 

i begin to explain that i don't want to hurt them, and i was in this position once too. they all look at each other and nod. they form a circle around me and all begin to kick and punch me as two widows hold me back. with them having the same training i did, it's extremely hard to be unpredictable when fighting them.

i hear glass shatter as everyone runs into the room. yelena and wanda run over to me and help lift me up.

"w-what do we do now?" a widow asks.

"you get as far away from here as you can. you're free now. you can make decisions for yourself and make your own life. you're safe now." yelena smiles at them and they all nod and walk out of the room to get their freedom.

we all internally celebrate our success as we walk, well i limp, back to the quinjet. before i enter the quinjet i hear a quiet sniffle from the side of the building.

"guys i'll be right back..." i say as i walk towards the sound.

when i turn the corner of the building, i see a little, shaking girl sitting propped against the wall with her knees up to her chest. she looks like she's crying and lost. she must've heard me so she jumps up and grabs a knife out of her pocket, holding it like she's ready to throw it.

"hey, hey! i'm not gonna hurt you, put the knife down." i say softly, but sternly.

"h-how do i know i can trust you?" she questions as she slightly lowers her gun. i see she's in a widow outfit and sigh.

"i was a widow too. i only wanna help you. put the knife down so we can talk." she slowly lowers the knife down to her pocket and puts it back.

i step closer to her and she backs up a little, but once realizing i wasn't gonna hurt her, she stops moving. i lean down to her level and put my hands on her shoulders. she immediately breaks down crying and i pull her into a hug. 

"what happened to you?" i ask rhetorically but she answers anyways.

"t-they took me from my mommy when i was 5. she tried to find me but they killed her. they killed my older sister when she tried to escape with me. i have nowhere to go. i don't have a home or a family. he killed everyone i loved. i don't know where to go or what to do!" she sobs and i feel a tear slip. her story sounds a lot like mine.

"if it's okay with you, i wanna take you back home with me. i want you to be safe and have a home." i say to her and she nods and whispers a thank you.

"what's your name sweetie, and how old are you?" i ask.

"y/n y/m/n y/l/n, i'm 8" she mumbles and i smile at her, grabbing her hand and leading her to the quinjet.

"okay y/n, i'm natasha but you can call me nat."

"c-can i call you natty?" she asks nervously and i smile. i usually hate when people call me that, but she's so cute so it's adorable when she says it.

"nat who's child did you steal?" tony asks as i help her onto the jet. i quickly explain the situation to all of them as y/n sits there shyly.

"okay y/n/n..." she smiles at the nickname and steps closer into my side.

"guys this is y/n. y/n this is wanda, thor, tony, steve, bruce, pietro, clint, and my sister yelena." i introduce them to each other and y/n smiles and waves. she repeats all their names back to them. impressively, she gets them all right.

"i like your suit sir!" she says to tony and he smiles.

"i like her already! but formalities aren't necessary. forget about sir and ma'am kiddo." she smiles at him and nods.

as the quinjet takes off to begin our journey home, i sit down on the couch. y/n is looking at me from the other side of the jet and i motion for her to come over.

"can i sit with you please?" she nervously asks and i nod.

when she sits down on my lap, i ask wanda to get us a blanket. wanda covers y/n and i, ruffling y/n's hair a little.

a couple minutes later i look down to see y/n fast asleep on my lap. everyone is smiling at us, but the only thing that matters to me is the sleeping child in my arms.

"i'll protect you baby, you're safe now. this is a new beginning."

i actually love the concept of this one, i'm just hoping it was decently executed lol. also sorry for inconsistency with posting, i have had a shit ton of tests recently, but i'm trying to write on the weekends because that's usually when i have time to post.

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