surgeons (HS)

675 12 0

warnings: surgery, hospitals, injuries, make out session

prompt: hailee is the chief of surgery at the hospital, and y/n is an intern...but they're secretly dating.

(i'm on a huge grey's anatomy binge, so this is based on that)


"dr. armstrong can you please grab me gauze, we have more bleeding than i expected." 

when she hands me the gauze, i dress her wounds. off to my side, dr. armstrong is stitching up the patients cuts, and dr. y/l/n is drawing his blood to determine different toxin levels.

"dr. steinfeld, what do we have here?" dr. walters, the second best surgeon in this hospital, after me of course, asks as he enters the surgical suite.

"daniel anderson, a 21-year-old male was admitted after a severe car accident. he has a collapsed lung and several broken bones. we're taking him into surgery to repair his shattered femur." i explain and begin to push his bed up to the operating room.

"dr. y/l/n i'd like for you to assist me in this surgery." she nods and thanks me. the two of us enter the elevator with an unconscious and heavily anesthesia filled man.

"hi baby" i kiss her cheek and she smiles. us being alone changes the previous relationship we had from boss and coworker to girlfriend and girlfriend.

"hi my love, ready to continue your legacy of top surgeon?" she asks and i playfully roll my eyes.

"with you by my side? always."


"you did amazing as always dr. y/l/n." i wink at her and she smiles.

"you too dr. steinfeld."

 i lead us to the staff breakroom and lock the door behind us after seeing that it's empty. i immediately pin her against the door and push her lips on mine.

"do you know how sexy you look when you work?" she blushes and attempts to hide her face in my neck, but i lift her head up with two fingers.

"there's something i need to tell you baby." she tilts her head in confusion.

"this morning while you were talking with some patients we got a call from the director of graduate medical education..." she nods for me to continue. (i looked it up and this is what google says happens lmfao)

"he said that due to your surgical skills, he's upgrading you to a resident surgeon!" i smile at her and watch as her face lights up with joy.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS??" she laughs in disbelief and i nod. she begins to jump up and down while i pull her into a hug.

"i'm so beyond proud of you." i kiss her several times and hold her in my arms.

"there's nobody that deserves this more than you." i reassure her, meaning every word of it.


"dr. y/l/n, dr. steinfeld please report to OR3." i hear the voice over the intercom say.

when i walk up to the OR, y/n is standing there, washing her hands and prepping the patient for her hysterectomy.

"okay, mrs. kappen, count to 10." nurse pinette says as she slowly injects the anesthesia.

after the patient is asleep, y/n begins to demand orders from the interns. she looks so hot right now. 

as always, y/n crushes it through the surgery and after the hysterectomy is successfully completed, y/n and i go out to inform the patient's family of the success.

"hi, are you the family of mrs. kappen?" y/n walks up to the nervous looking group of people.

"yes hi. i'm her husband, mark, this is our son, andrew, and our daughters, riley and lola." 

"i'm dr. y/l/n and this is dr. steinfeld. the hysterectomy was successful.  you can go visit her in her room. she isn't awake yet, but give it a couple minutes. she should be able to be discharged in a few days." the family thanks us and runs off to mrs. kappen's room.

"crushed it once again dr. y/l/n." i smirk at her and she laughs.

"only with the best assistant." she winks at me and i dramatically gasp.

"oh so i'm your assistant now?" i question as i stop in front of her.

she kisses me cheek and walks away to another patient's room with a strut in her walk and a smile on her face.

"tease!" i yell to her and she playfully flips me off.

later in the day, i walk into the breakroom to grab a coffee and see two nurses in the corner discussing lab results, a doctor on the phone with who i'm assuming is his significant other, and y/n in the corner, filling out some paperwork.

"this seat taken sweet girl?" she looks up at me and pulls the chair out for me.

"you know, i love this job, but the paperwork is a pain in my ass." she groans and drops her head down on the table.

"okay well tell me what you got!" i grab her hand and squeeze it a couple of times.

"vanessa caulde, 33 years old, she got stabbed in the neck by her wife...with a spork."

"well that's a new one..." we both laugh and i help her with the paperwork.

"baby? would you ever stab me with a spork?" i ask her jokingly.

"i mean if you piss me off enough." she shrugs and i sit there shocked. i mumbled an almost silent 'noted'.

"you ready to go home?" i ask her while we change out of our scrubs and into our clothes from home. mine being a pair of black leggings and a white hoodie with Thrasher on the front. y/n brought a tan sweatsuit. we grabbed our bags and walked out to the car, quickly driving home.

although being a surgeon takes up majority of our hours in a week, and is very challenging, sometimes mentally deteriorating, and pressurizing, we love it. 

i mean it is how i met my future fiancée after all...but she doesn't know about that part yet.

okayyyy i dragged this one on so much i'm sorry. i took 3 tests today and i'm convinced i failed my physics one so that's fantastic lmfao

(not proofread)

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