mafia mommies (NR & WM)

879 13 0

warnings: swearing, violence, mafia, throwing up

wanda and nat are both G!P, no smut but it's relevant

prompt: y/n is the girlfriend of the two most feared mafia leaders in the world and has important news to tell them


"if you don't tell me what the hell happened, i will not hesitate to pull this trigger." i hear nat scold the maniac sitting in her interogation room with her.

i hesitate before knock on her door to which i hear a rude 'i'm busy.'

"okay, sorry" i reply quietly through the door and as i go to walk away, i hear the door open. nat comes out and shuts the door behind her,

"i'm sorry baby, i didn't realize that was you. what do you need my baby?" she wraps me in a hug and kisses my forehead.

"i don't understand this form that i'm supposed to fill out..." i look down ashamed.

oh yeah, i'm also an assistant for wanda and nat, my lovely girlfriends, but they don't treat me like they treat the other assistants obviously.

"okay, let me finish up with this guy real quick and then i'll help you." she smiles at me and walks back into her office. i hear a loud gunshot before she walks back out and motions for steve, another one of her assistants, to clean up her mess.

nat leads me towards the elevator and presses the button up to her and wanda's floor. the top floor is reserved for wanda and nat. anyone else that even dares to step foot on the floor gets either fired, screamed at, or both. except for me,  i get special privileges being their girlfriend.

"natty did you even give him the chance to speak?" wanda and nat always refer to me as the peacekeeper. i always try to give people the benefit of the doubt, which ends up being a pain in the ass in the long run. the elevator door opens and we see wanda sitting at the giant conjoined desk that wanda, nat, and i share. wanda and nat are both in their mid 30s, but i'm 22 and in my last year of college.

"y/n/n some people shouldn't have the right to speak." she glares at me as i sit next to wanda. wanda wraps her arms around me and lifts me onto her lap.

"hey, be nice to our baby." wanda defends me and i laugh. wanda has always been the more sensitive one out of them.

"alright sweet girl, what were you confused on?" i hand the paper to nat and she nods before sitting by wanda and i.

they both help me work through the page and i thank them both as i curl more into wanda's lap.

"i'm taking a nap." i feel nat staring at me and i respond with a quiet 'what?'

"don't you have a test to study for?" nat raises her eyebrow and i sigh.

"later" i mumble into wanda's neck, feeling the sudden exhaustion and fatigue take over.

wanda rubs my back as her and nat discuss upcoming missions and plans.


i wake up to the sound of nat's voice and the feeling of wanda playing with my hair.

"did you have a good nap my baby?" nat asks as she notices i'm now awake.

i scooch off of wanda's lap and grab my bag with my schoolwork.

"yeah, but i need to study." i mumble and they nod, proceeding with their conversation.

i get started studying for my physics test, considering i failed the last one pretty bad, i need to do well on this one. (true story lol) i listen to nat and wanda talk when i feel the sudden urge to throw up. i quickly run to the garbage can by the door and throw up. my girlfriends are quick to rush by my side. wanda holds my hair back as nat rubs my back and attempts to comfort me. after i feel the nausea subside, they help me walk over to the couch and lay me down.

"what's wrong baby? that came out of nowhere" wanda looks down at me worriedly.

"promise me you won't get upset or leave me?" i begin to feel anxious as i fiddle with my fingers.

"baby we would never leave you!" nat holds onto my hand and i sit up to talk to them.

"sit down" i mumble, so they sit on both sides of me.

"i haven't been feeling the best recently s-so i took a test, and it came back positive...i'm pregnant." i look up at them and they both have looks of shock. 

i hear laughs of disbelief from the two of them before i get tackled into a group hug. i feel nat's tears hit my shoulder, and wanda squeezes me tight.

"this is amazing baby!" wanda struggles to get out through her tears, and we all start ugly crying tears of joy.

"WE'RE GONNA BE MOMS!!" nat screams out and i laugh. she starts jumping up and down and wanda joins her. i go to join them too, but they stop me.

"nope, nope, nope. you are under serious protection for the next 9 months. you could hurt your ankles!" wanda exclaims and i jokingly roll my eyes at their protectiveness.

"this baby is going to be so spoiled!" 

"maybe two!" nat squeals and i groan at the thought of pushing 2 babies out of me, hell no.

"...okay just one" nat mumbles and i laugh.

wanda rushes off and comes back with 2 glasses of champagne and a glass of apple juice. i give here a look as to say 'seriously?' and she shrugs.

"cheers to a new chapter!" she says as she kisses both of us.

"i love all three of my babies so much...or four"



i swear i wrote this one 3 times and ended it differently every time, part 2?

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