Chapter 1: Back to Top Gun

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Hearing her name called out from behind her, Annabelle rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Anyone else would have been called out by their call sign, but being the top admiral's daughter, people only ever referred to her as Kazansky. It was infuriating. Despite being top of her class at Top Gun and the only naval fighter pilot with 2 active duty kills in the last 40 years, Annabelle continued to be stuck in her father's shadow. More than anything she just wanted to be respected for her abilities. Her victories, her hard work. Why couldn't people see she deserved that? She earned that. 

"What, Atkins?"

"Commander wants to see you. Says it's urgent." 

Somewhat annoyed that she was being pulled away from her work, Annabelle stood with a huff and moved towards the commander's office. Upon entering, Annabelle found her commander on the phone, but he motions her in anyways, closing the door behind her. 

"Yes sir... yes I'm meeting with her right now... yes I'll be sure to have her out there first thing tomorrow... understood... you too sir... goodbye."

"No offense sir, but please tell me I'm being re-stationed."

"What Kazansky, we aren't good enough for you here in Atlanta?"

"You're great, sir, but I could do without some of your crew. With all due respect, I'd really enjoy a fresh start anywhere else."

"Well, I'm sorry the boys have been less than welcoming the past year, but from what I understand, the boys at all of your previous stations haven't been much better."

It was true. In the eight years since graduating from Top Gun, she'd been transferred five times. It turns out constantly being accused of privilege, favoritism, and nepotism can lead to anger issues that typically result in asshole pilots being sent to the infirmary. There would be a lot of commanders on that list too if it wouldn't get her kicked out of the navy altogether. Rather than picking a fight this time around, Annabelle repressed her anger and moved the conversation along. 

"Where will I be first thing tomorrow sir?"

"North Island. Admiral Simpson is creating an elite team for a special detachment mission. You're one of the lucky few who has been chosen."

North Island. Top Gun. Admittedly, Annabelle's time at Top Gun were some of the happiest of her life. It was where she honed her skills and really came into her own as a pilot. It was also where she made some of her best friends. The prospect of going back, even for a short time, was beyond exciting. Just the refresh she needed after this latest assignment. 

"I'll start packing right away sir." 

"You do that. You're on the last plane out of here tonight. Good luck on your assignment lieutenant."

"Thank you, sir. Good luck with all these amateurs I'm leaving you with."

"That I will need. Dismissed, lieutenant."


"Please tell me you got called to a special detachment on North Island!" Annabelle chuckled at her friend's words as she answered the phone. 

"What Nix, not enjoying your time in Virginia?"

"Yeah, if you count dealing with incompetent stick jockeys all day as enjoyable."

Annabelle and Natasha met during their time at Top Gun. While they each faced their own individual challenges in the program, the one they had in common was being female pilots. While there were certainly more female naval aviators now than thirty years ago, they were definitely still a minority, and the stereotype of male pilots being arrogant and egotistical was spot on. But they both proved themselves time and time again, with Annabelle graduating top of her class and Nat finishing third. The two had to stick together then, which made them best of friends now. 

"Well as a matter of fact, I have been called to North Island for a special detachment."

"Oh thank the heavens. I can't imagine going through another training assignment without you. If I have to be the single woman in a room full of Hangman's ever again, I think I'll fly myself into a cliff."

"Not to worry, I'll be there to save you from the mass arrogance should any Hangman's present themselves." 

"You're the best. What time do you get in?"

"I'm actually driving towards the base now. Give me some time to get settled then I'll meet you at the Hard Deck, yeah?"

"Copy that. See you in a few hours, FreeFall." 

"I'll see ya Nix." 


Having unpacked all of her stuff and still having some time before needing to hit the Hard Deck, Annabelle fell onto her bed with a heavy sigh, thrilled to not be moving for the first time all day. But of course, her contentment had to be ruined by a knock at her door only a few seconds later. 

"Just breathe Annie. You can't kill anyone on your first day." With great reluctance, Annabelle stood from the comfort of her bed and made her way to the door. When she opened it, a smile actually graced her face. 

"ROOSTER!" Before the man could even respond, Annabelle enveloped him in a huge hug, which he reciprocated by lifting her off the ground and spinning her around until depositing her back on the floor. 

"I thought you were overseas! Why didn't you tell me you'd be back for this detachment?!" 

"Figured I'd surprise you, along with whoever else got called for this top secret detachment."

Being the children of Goose and Iceman, Bradley Bradshaw and Annabelle Kazansky grew up as best friends. They spent every summer possible together and had decided together that they were going to follow in their fathers' footsteps and become naval aviators. In a sense, they were brother and sister in every way except blood relation. Annabelle couldn't help but hug him again, feeling truly happy again for the first time in a very long while. She pulled back but held his face in her hands. 

"I'm so happy you're here. I've missed you like crazy."

"Yeah I've missed you too. Four years is way too long without seeing you. How's Atlanta?" Annabelle scoffed at the question. 

"About as good as Virginia, Jersey, and Washington. Let's just say this detachment couldn't have come at a better time."

"I'm sorry you're still dealing with that shit. Are we hitting the Hard Deck?"

"Yes sir. And you are driving because depending on who all is here for this mission, I plan on drinking a lot." 

First time writing for anyone other than myself. Feel free to comment if you like anything, I'd really love the input and seeing what kind of vibes y'all are liking. Thanks so much! 

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