Chapter 13: Success and Failure

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"Comanche, dagger one. Standby for check in... picture clean. Recommend dagger continue." 

"Copy. Daggers descending below radar." 

As all of the pilots flew down to match the ceiling height in preparation for the canyon, Annabelle glanced out her windows to catch a glimpse of the ocean below. Mist from the water grazed over Annabelle's windows, making her feel both at peace with her proximity to her favorite body of water, but also terrified at the thought that they'd be this close to the ground once over land as well. Annabelle hadn't noticed she blocked out the conversation over comms in which Maverick had ordered the missiles released to destroy the enemy runway. It meant they were close to entering the canyon. 

"Daggers, assume attack formation." Annabelle fell into line at the back of the pack, her eyes trained on Phoenix and Bob's plane as they lined up just behind Maverick. As the first team going over the ridge at the end of this, they would be the first ones targeted by the SAM units. Annabelle knew they'd all have to keep up if she was to help them out in time and be of any actual use. 

"Two minutes and thirty seconds in three, two, one. Mark." 

"Two mark."

"Three mark."

"Four mark."

"Five mark." 

The initial flight through the canyon was running smoothly thus far. Fanboy called out the SAM units as they passed by, keeping everyone aware of the risks should anything start to go south. 

"We got two minutes to target."

"Copy. We are a few seconds behind, Rooster. We got to move." Annabelle tried to keep her nerves at bay. She needed Rooster to keep up if they were going to make it to the target in time. She'd really be no use if they were intercepted before even making it out of the target valley. 

"Dagger, comanche. We are picking up two bandits. Single group, two contacts." Shit. Where were those damn missiles on the runway? They needed their distraction. 

"Comanche, what's their heading?"

"Bullseye 090, 50, tacked south." 

"They're headed away from us. They don't know we're here." Annabelle allowed herself to breathe slightly at the remark. It still wasn't ideal. With at least two bandits in the air, maybe more running patrols elsewhere, once the missiles struck the runway, the bandits would move to intercept at the target. There was no escaping it now. There would definitely be a big dogfight at the end of the line. 

"The second those tomahawks hit the air base, those bandits are going to move to defend the target. We have to get their before they do. Increase speed." 

"We got you, Mav. Don't wait for me." Annabelle watched as Maverick, Phoenix and Bob pulled ahead, disappearing around the canyon corner. Annabelle hadn't been able to increase her speed yet which means Rooster hadn't either. Switching off her main comms, Annabelle switched into dagger two's system only.

"Rooster? Talk to me. What's going on? Rooster?" The continued silence on the other end of the line should've concerned Annie, but she knew it more than likely meant that he was having an internal struggle about his own abilities on this mission. Switching back over to main comms, Annabelle heard as impact on the runway was confirmed. 

"They know we're coming now. Bandits are switching course to defend the target. Rooster, where are you?" 

"Come on, Rooster. Bandits inbound. We got to make up time now. Let's turn and burn." Up ahead, Rooster still made no move to increase his speed. 

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