Chapter 15: Stuck With Me

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Before getting shipped off back to Georgia, Annabelle knew she needed to see her mother one last time. After spending an incredibly pleasant day completely indoors with Bob, the two had done the responsible thing and packed their bags in preparation for their departure the next morning before taking the hour long drive to her mother's house. It was easy to be distracted by the pure bliss Annie had felt while locked away with Bob in the bedroom, but now that they had returned to real life, the reality of what was to come in the morning was eating away at her. Bob could tell that Annie was worrying again. He found it slightly amusing that in the air, Belle was fearless, doing whatever was necessary to ensure she and her wingmen came home alive. But on the ground, she had a habit of being a complete worry wart, overanalyzing every little detail and having a tendency to obsess over all that could go wrong instead of what could go right. But even he had to admit, not knowing when he'd get to see his Belle again after tomorrow had Bob a little on edge too. Bob gently moved a hand over to rest on Belle's leg, causing Belle to be pulled from her thoughts and focus on the man beside her. He offered a small smile as his eyes flickered between her and the road. 

"Everything's going to be okay, baby. Let's not worry about any of it tonight though, yeah? Let's just enjoy spending time with your mom. Okay?" Bob's words brought Annabelle some comfort, but her heart was still beating rapidly in her chest, her anxiety getting the best of her. But she couldn't let Bob know that, so instead, she returned the smile and took the hand on her leg into her own. 

"You're right. We'll just focus on the now." 

"Good. And Belle, you know that even after tomorrow, you're still my girl. We're still going to be together, just from a distance. And it won't be forever. That I can absolutely promise you." If there was one thing Annabelle would for sure miss about Bob's presence, it would be his ability to say the exact right thing at the exact right time. While Belle was still dreading what tomorrow would bring, she didn't feel as torn up about it anymore as she did two minutes ago. 

"I love you so much, Bobby. You're absolutely right. No matter what, you're stuck with me." Bob laughed lightly at Belle's last remark, happy to see her beautiful smile gracing her face again. 

"I've got no problem with that baby. No problem at all." 

Annabelle's mother had clearly been waiting for them, as she ran out the front door the moment the couple pulled into the driveway. Before Annie was able to step out of the car entirely, her mother was already holding onto her like her life depended on it. Annie looked to Bob over her mother's shoulder for help, but he amusedly shook his head in response. 

"I'm so glad you're okay. Maverick told me what happened. Thank God I knew nothing beforehand; I'd have been a complete wreck." 

"I'm fine mama, I survived. I'm more likely to die from how tight you're holding me right now than in an F-18." With one more hard squeeze, Sarah finally pulled away from her daughter. 

"I'm sorry Annie. I'm just relieved and very happy to see you." Sarah's attention then turned around to Bob who stood silently behind the two women as he let the much needed exchange unfold. 

"And Bob. I'm so happy you made it out alive too." Enveloping the young WSO into a hug as well, it was Annabelle's turn to laugh quietly as Bob's hunched over figure begged for help from his girlfriend.

"Me too Mrs. Kazansky. It's good to see you again." Sarah rushed to pull back from Bob as she squished Bob's face between her hands. 

"I've already told you. It's Sarah. You're family now, Bob. It's okay to act like it." Bob blushed as Sarah placed a kiss to his cheek and offered a warm smile. He looked to Belle to find her smiling wide as well at the tender moment shared between himself and her mother, and Bob truly did feel that he was amongst family. Belle was his family now, and everything that came with her. The trio finally stepped inside the house and the scent of one of Annabelle's favorite meals filled the space. 

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