Chapter 11: Risking It All

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The absence of Maverick in the briefing room the next morning had everyone on edge. With only two days left in training before the departing teams would be announced, they all knew just how critical their time left at North Island had become. Despite her physical and emotional exhaustion from the night before, Annabelle had slept better than she could ever remember having slept in her life, and she was sure it had something to do with Bob laying right beside her the whole night. She had woken up this morning to the soft feeling of his thumb stroking her face as he spoke in hushed tones to help ease her out of sleep. When she had finally found it in her to open her eyes, she was met with Bob's soft blue ones and a small smile that made its way to his face to further comfort her. He looked absolutely beautiful in the morning. His eyes held their usual bright twinkle, and his hair was just the right amount of unkempt compared to its usual gelled perfection. Annabelle would never mind waking up at the crack of dawn ever again if it meant waking up to Bob's sweet face. 

It was already ten minutes past the usual briefing start time when Admirals Simpson and Bates made their way into the room, but Maverick remained nowhere in sight. 

"Good morning. We'll be beginning the day's briefing shortly. Lieutenant Kazansky. A quick word." Everyone turned towards Annabelle as she cautiously stood up and walked over to the corner of the room Cyclone had inhabited. She gave Bob a worried glance as she walked past him in the front and he offered her the best look of encouragement he could muster, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't have a bad feeling about the conversation about to take place. As she landed in front of the admiral, Annabelle attempted a brave face. 


"Lieutenant. Given the recent circumstances, we've decided to remove you from this detachment. You are to return to your dorm and pack your bags immediately." Annabelle wasn't sure what she had been expecting, but it sure as hell wasn't this.

"Excuse me, sir? I don't understand." 

"We have granted you a month's leave before you will be restationed where needed. You should be with your mother at this time. You won't be going on this mission." Annabelle could not believe what she was hearing. No way in hell after losing her father was she going to have this mission taken away from her too. 

"With all due respect, sir, I'm not going anywhere. I am the best pilot for this mission, I've come closer than any other pilot here to successfully completing all mission parameters. You've seen my work and I'm sure Maverick will--" 

"Captain Mitchell will not be continuing with this mission either."


"I'll be taking over the training for this assignment from here on out. Which means I'll be choosing the pilots going on the mission. You will not be one of them, lieutenant. I don't believe you will be emotionally stable enough to carry out the mission. You should let yourself rest. Allow yourself to grieve your loss." Annabelle's shock and horror at these words were quickly growing into anger. How dare he make this decision for her. She deserved a fair chance just like everyone else. She couldn't hold back the words boiling up in her chest. 

"Fuck that!" The room went deathly silent at Annabelle's outburst. She could feel all eyes on her, but her glare remained fiercely fixed on Admiral Simpson. "I have been busting my ass here for the sole purpose of going on this mission, and I'll be damned if I sit here and listen to you tell me whether or not I am too emotionally compromised to do it. I am not leaving this detachment." 

"Yes, you are lieutenant! This is not a request; it is an order. Pack your bags. You are going home, Kazansky." Annabelle had never been more furious in her life. Before she would say or do something she'd truly regret, she turned away from Cyclone and stormed out of the briefing room, refusing to meet anyone's eyes as she did so. She knew that Bob must have made a move to go after her when she heard Cyclone's voice ring out from a distance.

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