Chapter 12: Mission Is a Go

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Despite knowing she would not be one of the pilots chosen for the mission today, Annabelle's nerves were completely shot as sat in Bob's dorm waiting for him to finish getting ready. In a way, knowing she wouldn't be one of the planes in the sky was worse than had she been going, since she'd now have absolutely no control over anything that happened on the mission. If anything went south, she'd be stuck on the stupid carrier, forced to listen to all hell breaking loose from a distance. And if Bob and Phoenix or Rooster were chosen, that would make it all the worse. She couldn't take another loss right now. Not after the close call with Bob and then her father all in the same week. She raised her head as Bob appeared from around the corner, dressed in his flight suit and all his other gear in a bag at his side. As badly as she knew Bob wanted to be chosen for this mission, a part of her prayed that he wouldn't be. She wanted him safe on the ground with her, guaranteed to live another day. 

"You ready to go Belle?" Releasing a shaky breath, Annabelle gave Bob the best smile she could muster and nodded her head as she stood from her spot on the couch. 

"Yeah. Let's get you down there." As Annabelle moved to walk past him towards the door, Bob gently grabbed her wrist stopping her from rushing out before they had a proper goodbye. Bob knew they wouldn't be given much time later if he and Phoenix were chosen for the mission. Turning in to face Bob, Annabelle still couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze, so he softly lifted her chin, forcing her to look at him. 

"No matter what happens, you have nothing to worry about. You know that I'll come home to you."

"We can't know that for sure, Bob." 

"Yes, we can. I promised. And I always keep my promises. Okay, Belle?" Holding back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes, Annabelle nodded fiercely at Bob, doing her best to keep a positive mindset for both of their sakes. 

"Okay." Staring into Bob's eyes, Annie leaned up to connect their lips one last time before the day officially started and everything else became uncertain. 

"I love you, Belle. No matter what happens, know that I love you. Best two weeks of my life." Annabelle couldn't help but laugh at the thought and Bob felt a proud smile grow on his face, pleased that he could ease her mind even if just for a moment. 

"Best two weeks of my life. I love you too Bobby. I love you too." 


It was a short flight out to the carrier from which the dagger teams would be departing. Annabelle had sat next to Bob during the flight, holding on to his hand for dear life the entire time. She was sure her grip had become painful for him at some point, but he remained silent, knowing that she just needed to feel as close to him as possible for as long as she could. On her other side sat Hangman. He'd been unusually quiet the whole morning, not his usual cocky and loud-mouthed self. When the plane landed, he stood and turned to Annabelle, blocking her way onto the carrier. 

"Can I talk to you for a minute, Kazansky?" Somewhat shocked by Hangman's request, Annabelle softly nodded her head, meeting Bob's eyes to tell him to go on without her. Once Bob was off the plane, Hangman started speaking. 

"I just wanted to say that you were right." 

"Right? About what?" With a heavy sigh, Hangman continued. 

"You are the best pilot here. Better than me at least. I'm sorry about the nepotism shit I pulled on you when we arrived. I know none of that is true. Like you said, you proved it at the academy. I've just been too much of a dick to admit it. So, I'm sorry." Annabelle stared at Hangman bare faced for as long as she could gather before the corners of her mouth started to try and turn upwards, spurts of laughter building up in her throat. She did her best to hold it all in, but was failing miserably, to which Hangman rolled his eyes. 

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