Chapter 18: Baby Blues... And Pinks

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As Maverick and Penny finished their first dance, most of the group gathered around them to offer more congratulations and words of adoration. Natasha was not one of those people. Instead, she ran as inconspicuously as she could towards Annabelle and Bob, which was not very inconspicuous. Before she could even utter a sound, Annabelle clasped her hand over Natasha's mouth and moved them into the house from the back patio. When Bob had secured the door behind them and drew the curtains to keep people from witnessing the conversation, only then did Annie release her hand. 

"You're pregnant! Why didn't you tell me?!" 

"Nat, relax! We haven't told anyone." 

"I'm not anyone Annie, I'm your best friend; both of your best friends! I should know!" 

"Natasha." Nat's ranting stopped as she looked to Bob who held a concerned expression on his face, looking between his best friend and his wife. "Look, Belle's barely over a month along. It's too early to be telling people. Nothing is guaranteed at this point, too much could still happen. You know we would have told you first thing when the time came." 

Natahsa didn't seem to have the words to respond to Bob's explanation. First she needed to calm her breathing and allow her brain to catch up with her emotions. When she was finally able to do that, she nodded her head fiercely, holding onto Annie's arms as if they were the only thing keeping her upright. 

"Of course. Of course, I'm so sorry. That was silly of me. Of course you guys would tell me. I hope I didn't give it away to anyone else out there." 

"I don't think anyone else even batted an eye, Nat. It's okay. Besides, you know us better than anyone. It only makes sense you'd be the first to figure it out." Annabelle smiled encouragingly at her friend which prompted Natasha to show a smile and let out a soft chuckle as well. The two embraced; Natasha finally calm after her outburst, and Annabelle relieved that at least one of her best friends now knew her burning secret. Nat reluctantly pulled away, but now she could finally feel some excitement at the news. 

"So, this is a good thing right? I mean, you guys are happy? Excited?" Bob and Annabelle looked at each other lovingly as joyful smiles graced their faces. 

"Yeah, Nat. It was planned. We are really, really excited." Natasha let out a tiny squeal as she pulled Annie into another hug, then quickly let her go so she could embrace Bob for the first time thus far. 

"Ahhhh! I'm going to be an aunt! We can get the baby a cute little flight suit and helmet. We'll give him his callsign! Oh my gosh a little baby that's half Floyd half Kazansky?! What's that going to be like? How soon do you think we can get him in a plane or--" 

"Okay, Phoenix ease up a bit. We have plenty of time before we need to start overthinking things, okay? Right now Belle and I are just trying to enjoy this. Besides, it's going to be a girl, not a boy." Annabelle rolled her eyes and lightly punched Bob in his side to which the latter let out a small laugh. 

"Don't listen to him, Nat. You're right. It will be a boy." Natasha looked between Bob and Annabelle for a moment, realizing she had clearly started something she probably shouldn't have. 

"Belle, I know you're the one carrying the baby and everything, but I'm telling you, it's a girl. I just know these things." 

"Okay, we are not having this conversation right now. We need to get back out there before people start wondering where we went." Natasha was the first to make her way back out to the backyard with Annabelle following close behind, only for Bob to grab her arm gently, holding her back for a moment longer. 

"Hey, you know I'm just teasing with the gender, right? I don't care what the baby turns out to be. The important thing is that it's ours, and I'll love it and be just as excited for it no matter what, boy or girl. I just don't want you to think I'll be disappointed if it doesn't swing my way." Annabelle smiled up at her husband as she stepped forward and placed a tender hand on his cheek. 

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