8. Mama Todoroki

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Ruby loved it at Y/N's house. Everyone was so nice to her, caring for her like she was a little sister. So nice she was sobbing a couple times when she was overwhelmed with their affection.

At first she swore Rover was a grimm when she first met him though he quickly turned out to be an adorable....impossibly massive dog. Rover was obviously happy with everyone in the house but with Ruby he showed her the most affection out of everyone. It's as if he wanted to comfort her. Tippy and Wanta obviously were around her too when she felt a bit down to which she was greatful for. She did like Rover and Tippy....but Wanta reminded her so much of Zwei she couldn't help but hug him tightly a few times out of happiness.

When she heard about Mayu's story she couldn't help but worry about her. Yet she did smile seeing her living happily with the other girls...like she was healing. She was like a little sister....and to her slight embarrassment, Yuzuru was two years younger than her yet she acted like she was the bigger sister. A few times she even carried Ruby all over the house, something they had a laugh about for the past weeks.

Shoka and Shouko were like the bigger sister she never had. They always doted on her despite their nature of being rather reserved. Shoka already was stronger than Yang with her ice abilities and even was a better sister in a month than Yang ever was in 16 years.

Kaede though was a little more aloof than the others though she does show concern for Ruby and even talks to her more than the others.

Y/N was the biggest blessing she could ever have in her life. He treated her better than her family ever could (besides her dead mom). He was a better friend than any of the people she met. He was a better cooker, worker, gamer, carer, practically the best person she ever met in her life. He understood so much...helped her when she was down....comforted her when she was crying at her memories.....he was the most caring person in the world.

???: GAME!


Y/N: *smirk* I simply survived for 3 minutes and reverse 3-stocked you.

She puts down the controller and lets out an adorable pout as he pulls on her cheek.

She puts down the controller and lets out an adorable pout as he pulls on her cheek

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Y/N: *smile* Cheer up Ruby. You can do better next time.

She was still pouting as they turn to the TV and grab their controllers.

Y/N: The girls will be back in a few hours after their hangout. I'm sure they'll bring a souvenir for you.

Ruby: *smile* I know....

Y/N: So what game do you want to play?

He gestures to the files on the TV, displaying the numerous games as she looks through each of them.

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