18. Salem Must Die

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Salem: What happened?

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Salem: What happened?

Cinder: Yang Xiao Long has been captured by Tai and is being....used right now. Our plans are running smoothly.

Arthur: Not to mention it's too easy to hack into Beacon's database.

They were discussing their plans with Salem who sat on her throne, listening to her desired plans coming into fruition.

Emerald: There's one problem. The silver eyed girl you said to capture came back to Beacon with a boy. His name is Y/N.

Salem: One boy shouldn't be a problem......unless he's working with Ozpin?

Mercury: Of a sort. But it's weird though. It's like he's working for Ozpin.....but he's actually working for some one else. I couldn't record but I heard him talking on his scroll to some guy named Jed

Salem: It's only 2 people.

Emerald: Well......you see...the thing is-


Y/N suddenly kicks the massive door open to the throne room, wood sent flying everywhere as he held his axe along with the injured body of the Hound.

Y/N suddenly kicks the massive door open to the throne room, wood sent flying everywhere as he held his axe along with the injured body of the Hound

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Y/N: Sorry about that.....this guy is a bit stubborn.


He slices the grimm's head off before sheathing his axe and pulling out a red blade.

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