Polygamy - Chapter 28

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Vaishampayana continued his narration of the Mahabharata to King Janamejaya. ""Split the dhaanam equally amongst the five of you", Kunti said and turned around as she took the utensil off the stove.

And to her shock, she saw Arjuna and Draupadi with garlands around their necks along with the rest of the Pandavas standing in utter shock.

"What have you done mother?", Arjuna said with his eyes wide open in shock and disappointment.

"Do you have any idea what consequences we have to face because of your order?", Yudhishthira said.

"ARJUNA!", Kunti screamed at her son with tears in her eyes. "Why did you call Draupadi a dhaanam? Why did you objectify a woman? A woman who is to be your wife? Mistaking what you meant I gave my order!", Kunti said.

"This is kanya dhaanam mother! That is why Nakula said I am very lucky to have acquired this dhaanam!", Arjuna said.

"You have committed a grave mistake mother!", Yudhishthira said with disappointment. "A follower of commands can afford to make a mistake however a person of authority, a person who orders can certainly not afford to make such a grave mistake"

Kunti had nothing to say. She hung her head low in shame and despair. Her sons had taken a vow to listen to their mother at all times. And it is due to this, the five brothers faced the greatest dilemma of their lives.

"Oh mother", Draupadi said with tears in her eyes. "I had given my heart and soul to Arjuna and accepted him as my husband; however due to your words I am to be shared with his brothers as well. How am I to do that mother? How can I split myself to be the wife of five men?", Draupadi said hitting Kunti's guilt. Kunti immediately burst into tears as Draupadi said those words. The Pandavas looked in disgust.

"It is definitely challenging! But you will have to do this Draupadi", a voice said. Everyone turned towards the entrance of the hut and saw Krishna enter.

"Krishna?", Kunti said in surprise, recognizing him with his dark and beautiful complexion and his peacock feather in his crown.

Krishna immediately smiled and sought the blessings of his aunt Kunti. Kunti, earlier known as Pritha, was the sister of Krishna's father Vasudeva as her biological father was Shurasena, the cousin of the childless Kuntiboja.

"Dear sons, this is your cousin Vasudeva Krishna! The son of my brother Vasudeva!", Kunti said.

"We had seen you in the swayamvara. It is indeed an honour meeting you", Arjuna stepped forward and said.

The five brothers greeted him and welcomed him to their hut.

"I have not come to distract you all from the problem at hand", Krishna said noticing Draupadi's tears.

Yudhishthira came forward and explained the dilemma at hand.

"In order to establish dharma in this world, it is essential that Draupadi becomes the wife of all five of you", Krishna said shocking all. "This is the game of destiny"

"What are you saying oh Madhava?", Draupadi exclaimed in shock.

"Draupadi, I know this is something near to impossible for you, however, this is fate. What is happening here is the result of your karma", Krishna said.

"In your last birth, you were unable to marry. And thus, you performed ardent penance to Lord Shiva. One day, your prayers were answered. Lord Shiva appeared in front of you and said "Oh lady, I am pleased with your penance. I shall grant you what you desire", the lord said.

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