Slaying of Jarasandha - Chapter 36

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Slaying of Jarasandha

Vaishampayana continued his narration of the Mahabharata to King Janamejaya. "Oh King Janamejaya, Krishna, Bheema and Arjuna thus set out to Magadha in the disguise of Snataka Brahmins. From Indraprastha, they crossed the Kalakoota mountains and made their way to Mithila. They then crossed the holy river Ganga and river Shona and moved eastward to reach Magadha.

When they arrived at the Goratha hills, they could witness the capital of Magadha.

"Arjuna! Behold the beautiful Girivraja! The capital of Magadha. The city is guarded by this chain of hills. This city is full of wealth with abundant water supply, highly equipped houses and satisfied citizens", Krishna said.

The three then went up to the massive mountain peak of Chaityaka, attacked it and it fell to the ground, making way for them to enter the city without having to enter it through the city gates.

As they walked through the streets, the three warriors took some flower garlands from a vendor. The Brahmanas of the city rushed to Jarasandha having perceived evil omens.

"Oh king! We fear a great tragedy befall you.. we have been seeing many I'll omens and immediately came to warn you of the same", they said.

Jarasandha, knowing the credibility of the Brahmanas, took the warning very seriously and promptly began sacrificial rituals to counter any evil attacks.

It was then the heroes, in colourful robes, sandal paste on their foreheads and flower garlands around their necks, marched into the palace of Jarasandha. They quickly made their way to the enclosure where the king was performing his ritual. Jarasandha, on witnessing them, stood up and received them with due honour and respect.

"I welcome you to my abode!", he said. This was followed by a brief moment of silence.

On that account, Krishna explained, "Oh king, these two here are bound by a vow and will thus only speak to you after midnight".

Jarasandha then made his guards escort his guests to their chamber and he resumed his ritual. He was definitely intrigued by the unique attire of his guests.

After midnight, Jarasandha visited his three guests and waited on them with due respect. He bowed to them and the three warriors let out their palms to bless him. "Fare you well", they said.

Jarasandha noticed the palms of Krishna, Bheema and Arjuna. He knew such palms could not belong to Snataka Brahmins, for they held marks of weaponry.

"Wearing of sandal-paste, garlands and such colourful attire is not very usual of Snataka Brahmanas. Pray tell me who you are, adorned with garlands and yet bare marks of bow-string and weaponry?", Jarasandha said.

Krishna then replied, "Kshatriyas and Vaishyas, akin to Brahmanas, can keep the vows of Snataka. Therefore, you may think of us as Snataka Brahmanas. Some Snatakas observe generic vows and others special. Kshatriyas who keep these special vows can attain prosperity.".

"I am aware of the process of your entry. You entered through the Chaitakya hill and this act of yours is of reckless trespass. And then you introduce yourselves as Snataka Brahmins even though it is clear that you three bare the markings of Kshatriya vigour. Why are you so reluctant in accepting the worship I offer? Why pray tell are you here?", Jarasandha questioned.

"The brave enter the enemy's abode through an unusual gate and use the regular gate when entering a friend's abode. We have entered the abode of our enemy with a strong purpose. Thus we cannot accept your worship", Krishna said.

Jarasandha was taken aback. "I cannot recall of any harm I have done to you. Why do you consider me your enemy even though I have not done anything to you", he said.

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