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hey dorothea
do you ever stop and think about me?
when we were younger
down in the park
honey, making a lark out of misery


i wonder if she ever thinks about me, y/n, i mean.

i've done a lot of reminiscing of our former relationship at the moment. i won't lie, im extremely proud of what she's made of herself.

but i miss her, we grew up together. we used to go to the park after school any day either of us were upset.

we'd sit on the swings and just talk.

you got shiny friends since you left town
a tiny screens the only place i see you now
and i got nothing but well wishes for ya

i see her instagram posts, she's got new famous friends.

and to think, it used to me me, y/n, betty, james and inez. we thought nothing would ever break us apart.

of course, time did. y/n doesn't talk to any of us now. i could understand why she doesn't talk to me but the rest? really?

my tvs the only place i see her now. she's made a real name for herself. it's all she's ever wanted.

i have nothing but we'll wishes for her. i'm so proud of how far she's come.

this place is the same as it ever was
but you don't like it that way

i like to believe y/n will come back one day. and we will start talking and eventually get back together.

but it just won't happen. she never liked tupelo. she always used to say nothing happens here and that it's like a ghost town.

she's always dreamed of getting out, and she did.

but nothings changed since she's left. and she was right. it is like a ghost town.

and she doesn't like that.

it's never too late
to come back to my side
the stars in your eyes
shined brighter in tupelo
and if you're ever tired of being known
for who you know
you know, you'll always know me

i hope she knows it's never too late to come back to tupelo. everyone here misses her.

she was just such a happy soul, everyone loved her. i knew she was meant for hollywood.

but it's never too late for her to come back to my side.

i'll wait my entire life for her if i have to. how we ended things was wrong. it wasn't supposed to end the way it did.

it wasn't right.

her eyes shined so much brighter here in tupelo than they do on the screen.

i hope she knows if she's ever tired of being known for the people she knows.

she'll always have me, not just me. all of us. betty, james, me and inez.

ooh, you're a queen
selling dreams
selling make up and magazines
ooh, from you i'd buy anything

people worship y/n on the internet, like she's a queen.

she's done so much, she's got her own make up brand and she's done lots of collaborations.

she's been the front cover of so many magazines.

i've bought everything she's done, for her i'd buy anything.

hey dorothea
do you ever stop and think about me?
when it was calmer
skipping the prom
just to piss of your mom
and her pageant schemes

i think back to prom, she looked so beautiful. but she didn't want to go.

her mother has always been into pageants and y/n just wasn't.

and so, we did what she wanted. we skipped prom and just stroller around town.

i took her out for a meal at our favourite restaurant instead.

her mom was super pissed but it was worth to see how much happier she was.

and damn, dorothea
they all wanna be ya
but are you still the same soul
i met under the bleachers?
i guess i'll never know
and you'll go on with the show.

it's so funny to me. the middle school girls all talk about y/n and how they can't believe she used to live here.

they all want to be her.

sometimes i wonder if she's still the same girl i met under the bleachers in middle school.

but i guess i'll never know. she's not coming back. as much as i'd like her to, she made it very clear.

and so she'll go on with the show. and i'll wait for the day y/n l/n comes back to me.

part two will be out soon for this!!
not checked
sorry it's kinda rushed but i wanna get both parts out today

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