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you said at the party that i was too drunk
i told you i liked you, you said "sober up"
but why would i lie? it's so clear i'm in love
with you.

me and finn had gone to a house party, he'd been away filming for so long and we wanted to have some fun. by about 3 in the morning i was beyond drunk. "finnnn!" i slurred. "whattttt" finn said back, not nearly as drunk as i was in fact, he might of been sober. "i need to tell you something" i whispered giggling at the end. "what is it?" he asked. "not hereeee let's go to a room i don't want people to hear me" i slurred again pulling finn to an empty room in the house, he sat down on the bed and said "well? what do you need to say y/n"
i sat next to him and whispered "i like you finn" he smiled "i like you too y/n" "noo not like that. i like like you finn." i said. finn slightly laughed "sober up y/n. cmon i'll take you home." i pouted "no finn, i mean it. i think i'm in love with you." i said on the verge of tears. "i'm sure you are, let's get you home cmon." he helped me up and called us a taxi. we were sat on the curb outside the house waiting for the taxi when i said, "i mean it." finn just looked at me and said, "we'll talk about it when you're sober. i'm sure you don't y/n" a tear slid down my face "how can you not tell that i like you?! everyone can tell. hell people write articles about us dating! how can you not see it?!" i said standing up and shouting the last part. he just sat there, he didn't say anything. then the taxi came "the taxis here come on i need to get you home" he said purposely not making eye contact.

a tense conversation, you like someone else
i say, "if i waited, could that maybe help?"
you told me patience won't change how you felt
for me

it was a few days after the party, finn hadn't brought up what i'd said at the party. thank god for that. we were sat on my bed watching a movie when someone started blowing up his phone "jeez finn someone really wants to talk to you" i said laughing, his phone was charging on my bedside table i picked it up just as it started calling. the caller id read 'elsie ❤️'
i stared at it. finn looked over and just sat there, he didn't say anything so i did. "so when were you gonna tell me you had a girlfriend? or were you just not going to? just let me fall deeper and deeper?" i said feeling tears form in my eyes. "y/n i, i was waiting for the right time." "how long?" i asked. "3 months." he said looking down "3 months? three whole months?" i said tears spilling out of my eyes "oh y/n" he said the sympathy clear in his voice. he pulled me to his chest and i started to sob. "why is it never me?" i said grasping his shirt. "i'm so sorry y/n. really, i am. i wish i felt the same way towards you but i don't. i really like elsie. i don't want our friendship to end because of this." he said stroking my hair "if i waited, could that maybe help?" i asked looking up at him hopefully. he furrowed his eyebrows and softly shook his head "i'm sorry, i don't think patience is gonna change how i feel  about you. youre my best friend, im sorry i don't see you any other way." he said. i got up off of my bed "i'm happy for you. really i am." i said slightly smiling. "really?" finn asked. i nodded "mhm" i said holding back more tears. "call her back, im sure it was important" i said. and so he did, "hey babe, sorry i didn't see you'd called, you ok?" he asked. she said something. "well i'm at my friends house right now" she cut him off. "okay, okay, i'll be there in 10." he said hanging up. "i'm really sorry, i need to go" i nodded and smiled. he left without saying another word. i heard the front door open and close. i fell to my knees sobbing. why couldn't it be me?

so i'll stop being pretentious and loathing our friendship
you taught me a lesson, that love isn't precious
it's not like the novels, no pride and prejudice at all

y/n's pov

it's been about a week and a half since i found out finn had a girlfriend. he keeps texting me and i keep ignoring him, i don't know whether i need time it if i'm just embarrassed that he knows i love him and he doesn't feel the same. i was sitting in my room thinking about us when finn texted me, 'hey y/n, i get if you don't wanna talk but can you just let me know if you're okay?' it said. i decided to reply this time, i need to stop ruining our friendship because he likes someone else, he's still my best friend after all. 'i'm okay, i just needed some time to think finn' i wrote back. to be honest, finn taught me a lesson. he's taught me that love isn't like all the romance movies and novels i've read, it's not precious at all, love hurts.

so i'll just take a footnote in your life
and you could take my body
every line i would write for you
but a footnote will do
a footnote will do

its been a few months since i found out about finn and elsie. i dont know if he told her that i liked him or what, but he hardly speaks to me anymore. whenever i ask him if he can hang out he always says "sorry im busy" or, "i gotta help clean the house" or, "i already have plans with elsie" and i get it, he has a girlfriend and he knows i like him. i get it might be awkward for him. but at school, he wont even look at me in the halls. i just want to be back in his life. although, ive had a lot of extra time on my hands seeing as i cant see finn so ive taken up reading. i love all the footnotes the authors give to the special people in their lives. i think if finn wrote a book, i might just be able to get a footnote in his book. just like ive had in his life, im there but im not really there you know? but if i wrote a book, every single line would be about him. hes still my best friend, no matter what. but a footnote in his would do.


y/n's pov

here i am, in new york. ive just published my second book. i'm so proud of myself. the book is called 'A footnote will do'. i wrote it about me and finn, although i changed the names of course, it's quite sad really; me and finn don't talk anymore. eventually i guess he just phased me out of his life. i still think about him, i think about if him and elsie are happy, i think about it he knows i'm an award winning author now or if he knows nothing, if he blocked everything about me out of his life. anyways, for A footnote will do, the footnote in the book is:

for finn, thank you for showing me that love can hurt. thank you for making me who i am today. i wish you the best.

i'm fr on a roll today lmao
kinda hate this one as well the ending is so bad

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