the other woman

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the other woman has time to manicure her nails
the other woman is perfect where her rival fails
and she's never seen with pin curls in her hair


i've been married to finn for 13 years, we got married young and just three years ago had our first child.

but for the past few months i've noticed he's been getting extremely close to his old co-star millie.

i know he's cheating on me, everybody knows. i just don't want to bring it up. if i don't talk about it it's not real.

i mean, i cant exactly blame him. millie's very beautiful.

she always has time to give herself a manicure and keep on top of everything. unlike me, i just don't have the time anymore.

she's so perfect in every aspect that im not. she would never be seen with messy hair.

she's everything im not.

but, she is the other woman.

finn would never leave me, i know that. he would never do that to me or our child.

the other woman enchants her clothes with french perfume
the other woman keeps fresh cut flowers in every room
and there are never toys that's scattered everywhere

today, millie invited me and finn over to her house. which i found quite odd seeming she must know i know by now.

but i have to say, when we walked in i gasped. everything so so tidy.

and her entire house smells of french perfume, not just her. odd.

she had freshly cut flowers in every room, and there wasn't toys scattered everywhere like there is in our house.

she is everything i'm not, maybe that's what finn likes about her.

but she is the other woman. finn is mine.

and when her old man comes to call
he finds her waiting like a lonesome queen
'cause to be by her side
it's such a change from old routine
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh


later at night the day me and y/n went to millie's house i went back over to millie's.

i told y/n that i had to quickly go into the studio and that i'd be back soon. which i would be.

i've been unfaithful to y/n for quite a few months now and it's eating me from the inside out.

once i get into my car i call millie, she picks up within three beeps.

"hello, finn" she says in a seductive voice.

"hi. i'm coming over. we need to talk." i say bluntly.

"oh no, have i been a bad girl" she says flirtatiously.

i huff and just end the call.


millie had given me a key to her place so when i arrive i just use my key to open the door.

after unlocking the door i place her key on her chest of draws by her shoe rack. i won't be coming back after today so i will no longer need the key.

i walk upstairs to find her sitting on her bed like a lonesome queen.

she smiles and gets up. "you're here" she says trying to take my jacket off.

"can we just sit down?" i ask before lightly pushing her away from me.

she giggles. "ooh what for? did you get me something?" she says before sitting down on her bed opposite where i was sat.

being with her feels so weird sometimes, it's like, being with y/n is like routine. it's how it is, everyday. being with millie is nothing like it. and i don't think i like it anymore.

"my key to your place is on your draws by the front door. i'm leaving them there. i won't be coming back. don't try to call me please. i'm a married man, i cant do this." i say emotionlessly before standing up and walking out before she can try to beg me to stay.

the other woman will always cry herself to sleep
the other woman will never have his love to keep
and as the years go by, the other woman will spend her life alone


i knew the day would come. the day finn would realise he never loved me, he was merely using me because he was bored.

i laid in bed that night, crying myself to sleep. he never loved me like i thought he did. it was all lies.

i should've known, i would never have his love to keep. i was the other woman. he would always love y/n.

i am the other woman.

sorry this is so short i'm on holiday so i haven't really had any time

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