invisible string

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green was the colour of the grass
where i used to read at centennial park
i used to think i would meet somebody there
teal was the colour of your shirt
when you were sixteen at the yogurt shop
you used to work there to make a little money

it was saturday and so i decided to do what i always do on saturday, i grabbed my bag and put my book, drink and phone in it. i then slung it over my shoulder and then left my house and began to walk to centennial park. it's so beautiful there, there's a specific bench that i always sit on. i sit on the bench and read whatever book i'm reading at that point, the grass is always so green, so lively. it's funny actually, i always think i'm going to meet my soulmate there. it still hasn't happened.
after a while of reading i remember my card was in my phone case and so i decided to treat myself to some frozen yogurt before heading home. when i got to the shop there was a new employee at the counter, he had a teal shirt on, dark curly hair and he was tall and slender. he looked beautiful. suddenly i couldn't wait for the line to go down but not so that i could have my frozen yogurt, but so that i could talk to him.
after what felt like an eternity, i was finally next in line. when i got up to the counter he said "hi! what can i get for you today?" he said with a smile. i looked at his name badge, it read 'finn'. finn. i like that. "uh please can i get y/f/f with y/f/t?" i asked. "coming right up!" he said with the same smile. i smiled back before heading to the waiting area.
a little time later finn came over with my tub of fro-yo, the tub had writing on it and so before eating it i looked at the writing, i smiled. it said 'hey! it's the guy who served you :) you're super cute, text me? (number)' i looked over to him to find him already looking at me, i smiled and nodded before sitting down to enjoy my treat.

time, curious time
gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
were there clues i didnt see?
and isnt it just so pretty to think
all along there was some
invisible string
tying you to me?

after that incident in the fro-yo shop me and finn texted all the time for the next three weeks before we started hanging out every day which soon turned to us dating.
right now, we're at finns house. we're laying on his bed, my head on his chest, his hands playing with my hair, neither of us say anything. we do this quite a lot, just sit in a comfortable silence, it's nice.
"imagine what would've happened if i never came into your work that day" i said with a slight chuckle. finn hummed "i wouldn't be as happy as i am right now, that's for sure." he says. i smile and hug him.
"you know, before you came into my work i would see you almost everywhere i went. i wanted to talk to you but i was just too scared so when you came in that day i just thought fuck it. and i guess it worked because you're here with me right now." he said looking down at me and smiling. i looked up, blush covering my checks. "it's almost as if there was a invisible string tying us together." i say.

short but sweet i guess
sorry i've been inactive this week i've been super busy with exams at school ugh

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