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Lia never knew what it meant to live a peaceful life. She and Leo always knew they had some sort of fight. For a world filled with infected, somehow, their fight was always with human beings.

Lia's never even seen any one die from the infected. Not yet, at least.

Each day, by Kate's request, Lia has had to list stuff she appreciates. Usually, it was that she was here in Jackson with Leo and that Leo was happy here. He was making friends and spent more time smiling.

Today, Lia appreciated the weather getting warmer. And, with the warmer weather beginning, Lia had begun the one thing she was both excited for and dreading: swimming lessons.

Lia knew it was a useful skill, but besides the fear of drowning, Lia also had to do these lessons with other people. She was joining Ellie's swim lessons with Joel. Cassie would also be there with Kate. The idea of struggling more around them was something that made the girl anxious.

"You ready for your big girl swim lessons?" Leo joked at Lia who threw him an annoyed look, "At least you're not the oldest. Ellie's there."

"She's already basically learned how to swim," Lia replied, "This is just practice for her. Cassie, who is 5, is already a better swimmer than me."

"You've never learned," Leo shrugged.

"Can't you come? It's not my fault dad never taught me. You're fucking lucky he taught you."

Leo shrugged, "I'm sorry, Lia, I can't. I got training with Jesse."

Lia nodded her head, but she had a visible frown on her face. It's not that she didn't like being around others without Leo, it was just easier with him. Leo frowned, wanting to cancel his plans, but knows that he needs to impress Maria to get one patrols. Leo needed patrols.

His frown deepened when he watched Lia walk out of the house with Joel's.

Lia knocked on Joel's door and waited for the man. When the door opened, she smiled slightly at Joel, "Hey, Lia. We're just waiting on Kate. Want to come in?" Lia nodded, walking in and examining the house.

It was very homey. She noticed various photos, books and it looked like Joel built guitars and other Knick knacks.

"You want some coffee while we wait?" Joel asked, "Got a fresh batch from the traders last week."

"Never had it," Lia shrugged.

"Well, then, it's your lucky day," Joel said.

Lia furrowed her eyebrows, but shrugged anyways as she grabbed a cup from Joel. The two of them silently sipped on the coffee, Lia's faced scrunched up at the bitter taste.

"It's not bad," Lia shrugged, "Bit bitter."

"Oh, here," Joel cleared his throat, getting up and walking over to the fridge. He returned with some milk and poured a bit into Lia's coffee.

Lia took a sip, nodding to herself, "A lot better."

"Good," Joel nodded, "You know, I have a cup every morning. You're welcome to join."

Lia stayed quiet as she thought it over. Although, her head started to nod before she processed it was.

"Well, okay then," Joel nodded.

Lia jumped slightly when the door swung open and Ellie came in, putting her shoes on as her flannel was barely hanging on her, "Sorry, sorry! I overslept!"

"You're not late, kiddo," Joel chuckled, "We're waiting on Kate and Cassie."

"Oh," Ellie frowned, but she smiled shyly when she saw Lia, "Hey, Lia, you like that shit too?"

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