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Ellie and Lia stuck to their word. They figured out what their relationship looked like and what worked for them. It hasn't been without challenges, though. All relationships had their challenges, every single one you need to figure out what works, but that doesn't come without trial and error.

Ellie learned that lesson early. One night, when Ellie was sleeping at Lia's place, the two girls fell asleep on the girl's bed. At some point through the night, Ellie turned over and hugged Lia from behind. It ended with Lia waking up in a panic.

It scared the shit out of Ellie. She was lucky Leo was home that night and helped guide Ellie on what to do when Lia panicked.

After that night, the two girls found a compromise. Lia was okay when she was the big spoon. And, it brought both the girls comfort being able to hold one another at night. As time passed, they found that Lia just knowing it was Ellie helped a lot. When she couldn't see the girl, whether it was Ellie snaking her arms around Lia from behind, or as simple as kissing Lia's cheek in the morning before the girl was awake, they learned that Lia had to always be aware of Ellie. So, now, when Ellie snuck up from behind to snake her arms around Lia, she would always make her presence known and tell the girl it was her before doing anything.

It was hard to figure out, but there will always be challenges. Those challenges never outweighed the pros in Ellie's mind. Those challenging moments mean nothing compared to Lia always reaching for the girl's hand under the table. How Lia would converse with their friends freely while rubbing circles on the back of Ellie's palm. Or the moments when Lia would hug Ellie from behind, going on her tiptoes to rest her head on Ellie's shoulder when Ellie tried to cook for them.

Those challenging moments did not compare to their movie nights, where Ellie would hold Lia as they watched movies. And, when Lia started to feel sleepy, they would switch positions for Lia to hold Ellie and would fall asleep.

Those challenging moments meant nothing when Lia would help Ellie write music, always listening to the girl play. Or when Ellie would read Starlight Savage comics to Lia. All the challenges that they faced were worth all of the good moments they were able to experience with each other.

The two were pretty private. It wasn't hard for their friends or family to guess their progressed relationship. With the looks, standing close to each other and subtle hand-holding - most knew about the relationship after about two weeks.

The more Lia was with Ellie, the more she wondered how far she would be comfortable taking their relationship. They haven't gone too far past kissing (and Ellie always checked up on the girl).

Ellie was surprised when Lia became comfortable with going a bit past kissing. Both were just, figuring it all out with each other.

There were always the good moments and the bad moments. Everything was a progression between the two. When there was good there was bad. Thankfully, there was more good than bad.

Lia's known Ellie for four years now. She trusted the girl immensely. Ellie was there from the aftermath of the Haros. Witnessed some of the worst moments for Lia. And, Ellie still chose her. Ellie chose Lia despite all of that. She saw all the good in her and chose to care, maybe one day love, her. And, Lia chose to go out of her comfort zone for Ellie. She chose happiness - with Ellie.

And, Lia was excited about their future. She believed in it, truly.

Joel brought up Ellie and Lia's relationship only once. Lia and Joel were having their morning coffee like usual. Lia was preparing for a morning shift in the medical wing while Joel had the day off.

"I only want to say this once," Joel said to the girl, "Please don't hurt Ellie."

"I won't," Lia replied to him, "how'd you find out?"

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