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Sadie leads the two through the forest. She asked if Lia wanted to talk or if she wanted to be distracted. Lia chose the latter. So, for the past two hours, Sadie has told Lia story after story. Her voice carried slightly as her arms waved dramatically the more into her stories she got.

"Okay, so when Dina first got to Jackson, shy as shit. I know, crazy to think, but it was so funny cause the first community event she came to - it was karaoke - she tried sneaking in and ended up tripping over the cord. The whole fucking town had their eyes on her and it was hilarious!" Sadie clutched her stomach as she laughed, "I wish you could have seen her face! Although, she did open up a lot more after that. Became the Dina we all know and love."

"I can't even imagine Dina being embarrassed," Lia laughed, "She's always so confident."

"Oh, don't worry. I got a lot of embarrassing Dina moments," Sadie smiled, "Did you know she stabbed herself in an accident? Fell trying to ride a fucking skateboard and landed right on her knife." Sadie laughed loudly again.

Lia smiled slightly as Sadie continued to laugh. Her eyes went down to the pistol Sadie was carrying, "Thought you were a shit shot?"

"I am," Sadie replied, "But I'm not a complete dumbass. Still need protection out here. Besides, I'm okay when they get closer. Can't do the sniping or anything like Tommy, though."

"Tommy's a good shot," Lia nodded, "He told me that he used to be in the army. Before working with Joel. Although, Joel's also a good shot. Don't know where he got his training from."

"20 years in this shit would do that. You gotta be a good shot."

Lia agreed with the girl silently, looking around the forest with furrowed eyebrows, "Where are we going?"

"No fucking idea," Sadie shrugged, "Sorta lost our direction three stories ago."

"Seriously? We should have at least gone down a patrol route. One that was cleared recently since neither of us has had a lot of outside experience."

Sadie paused, frowning at the girl, "You go out with Joel, Ellie and Tommy all the time?"

"Because they know what they're doing!" Lia exclaimed

"Right... I mean, you're good with that stuff too! Really improving with guns," Sadie tried to defend herself, but sighed slightly, "Okay, I fucked up. It's fine, we will find our way to a patrol route. I'm sorry - I just wanted to cheer you up."

"No, it's fine," Lia sighed, "We're probably not too far from a patrol route. Let's just... keep exploring and we'll find someone."

"Okay. My mom always said that on the way back to Jackson, all you have to do it follow up the river. Gets you to the power plant at least and I know my way from there. I hear running water, let's just go that way and figure it out."

"Okay, come on," Lia nodded, walking next to the girl. She paused as she tried to think of what to say next, "I'm sorry if I was harsh. I know you're just trying to help."

"You weren't harsh," Sadie smiled at Lia, "I sneak out all the time. I should know it's stupid to not know where I'm going. I just got distracted with my amazing storytelling skills."

"You have a very unique skill of turning anything into a compliment towards yourself."

"I know," Sadie smiled, "My momma taught me best." The girl winked at Lia, causing the girl to snort slightly, only making Sadie grin wider. Although, Lia's smile diminished when she thought of her own mother. She wonders if she would have taught Lia anything. Anything good, at least.

Lia stopped when she heard a snap. Her hand reached out to stop Sadie and keep her quiet before reaching into her belt and grabbing a throwing knife. Lia passed it over to Sadie, "Keep this on you for now. In case we need to sneak up to someone. Let's just move slowly."

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