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Lia stayed at Kate's until she needed to pick up Addy from Dina and Jesse's. She spent the past two days letting herself wallow and feel her feelings. Maria already informed the girl that she has a place set up for Lia and they can start moving her stuff into it after Lia drops Addy off at Marley's place.

Dina and Jesse already knew the girl was coming, and Lia was going to hang out at their place until Marley got back from a patrol.

Lia was surprised when Marley signed back up for patrols a few months ago. She said that she needed to feel normal again and going out was something that helped her.

While Lia wasn't thrilled about Marley going out on patrol and risking her safety, she'd never stop the girl. Marley was a grown-up who could make her own decisions. And, if it helped the girl, that's all Lia cared about in the end.

"Thanks for driving me... and the past two days," Lia said to Kate as she sat in the passenger seat of the car Maria lent them.

"You don't need to keep thanking me," Kate shook her head, "I'm happy to."

Lia's lips turned up slightly as her eyes stayed on the horizon. She was so used to this trip but this was the first time it felt hollow. Her eyes were glued to her and Ellie's now empty house and Lia didn't even notice how she gripped the side of the door.

It was only when it was out of view did she look down at her white knuckles and let go, trying to relax again in her seat.

When they reached Jesse and Dina's home, Lia smiled wide at Dina holding JJ at the front while Jesse held Addy. Lia got out of the car and walked over to the baby girl with a grin, "Did you have fun at Jesse and Dina's?" Lia giggled at the little girl, taking her front Jesse, "Dina try to convince you to fall in love with her son in the future?" Lia whispered to Addy who giggled.

"I'll wait until she can remember more than 5 minutes," Dina chuckled as Lia nodded at the two.

"Thank you," Lia nodded at the two.

"You make a plan?" Jesse asked.

"Yeah... I'm moving back to Jackson. Maria set up a place for me and we're clearing out the house tonight. Will probably take a few days, but a few volunteered already."

"Count me in too," Jesse spoke up, "the more people to help the quicker we can get the job done."

"Thanks," Lia nodded, "Once everything is settled again I'll come visit. We can set up weekly playdates if you want?"

"Definitely," Dina said, "JJ could use the company."

"And we could too," Jesse joked. He looked over at Dina who nodded at him with a gentle smile, "we might look into going back too. Not immediately or anything, but when JJ starts to talk and play more, it'd be nice if he was surrounded by other kids."

"I thought you two were waiting for school age?"

"We were," Dina nodded, "just been discussing it a bit different lately."

Lia looked between the two with a confused frown. It's not that she didn't want them in Jackson, quite the opposite, but Dina's dream was to own a farmhouse. Live on her own. She's living it now so Lia didn't understand where the girl was coming from.

"If it's to check in on me or some shit-"

"It's not," Dina chuckled, "we love you but that's not the reason."

"Okay," Lia said slowly. She glanced at Jesse briefly before turning to Dina, "I just thought this farmhouse was all you wanted?"

"It was... but I want a safe space for JJ and," Dina trailed off as Jesse wrapped his arm around her.

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