The after

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The next day.

Leta and Theseus stayed all night, officially for my protection. Visitors are not allowed at night, but Thomas can justify that. I have never been alone, the idea is unbearable now. I have been allowed out. I have to rest, that's an order, from Thomas.

— Your flat is in a bad state. You can't live there. Theseus told me.

— Did you go there?

— No, I had a report.

— I still can't get used to you being a division head.

— You're coming to our house. Leta declares categorically.

— Thank you. I need some stuff.

— I don't know if going back is a good idea," says Thomas, exhausted by his shift.

— I have to go back. Thom's, go home and get some sleep, you need it.

— I .... he yawned, which gave him away.

— Go to sleep.

— Okay. I'll come back this afternoon. If you need anything, send an owl.

— See you this afternoon, Thom's. I say smiling at him.

I look at Leta and Theseus:

— Don't you two have work to do?

— Leta, no. I do, but .... I need to see the flat too. Then I'll go back," he responds, feeling guilty.

— You can go to work now.

— I'll take you to your apartment to see it and leave you with Leta.

I'm so lucky to have them. We got out of saint mongoose and went to my flat. I start to get scared. I don't want to go back, but it's just to get some things.

— Monsieur Dragonneau. Greeted Oliver, Theseus' colleague, guarding.

— Fletcher.

We went in and everything was turned upside down. Those cogniarts! My wand, my things ! My gaze is drew to the cabinet where he had thrown me. There's blood, my blood and the remains of my wand. I pick it up.

— What .... worries Theseus.

— For the record... it's my wand," I respond sadly, a little teary-eyed as I pointed to the two ends. I am going to get some clothes.

Leta accompanies me into the room. Theseus looked at Leta and then at the place.

— I hate them! I hate them!" I explode to Leta as I took some things.

I took some clothes, the photo albums, Emily's frame and me. I have to send her an owl. I stuffed everything into a suitcase. The picture of Mum and Dad is smash. Leta threw a reparo without me having to ask. I look at my room, never again, I'm not living here. It's too quiet and mark by them. They turned everything upside down while I was there, paralyzed !

— I have everything I need. I'll come back for the rest. I says, angrily.

— Are you all right?" worries Leta.

— I want to destroy them. All this for potions! Potions ?" I burst out. My flat! My wand ! For potions !

It's stupid, yes, just an object, but my wand, damn it. I can get another one, but it's not the same ! Leta looked at me, sympathetic. I went out with my suitcase and joined Theseus.

- Thank you, I have everything.

We went out and I wanted to close the door by reflex, but I didn't have the damn key!

- I just want to leave," I snap.

Theseus said softly to me:

— I have to go back to work, but I'll be back tonight, not late. Leta stays with you.

— Thank you.

The tears came and they both hugged me.

— It's okay. It's just... it's life. Go to work, Theseus," I respond, drying my tears.

He looks at me and his fiancé, both tense .

— See you tonight, Rosa. See you tonight, my love.

He left, without meaning to. I look at Leta and said:

— I don't think I'll be able to Apparate.

— I know. I wouldn't have let you anyway. We go without magic.

We arrived at their flat and Leta offers me a tea. I rested for a while and then came out of my room.

— Leta, would you accompany me to buy another wand?

— Of course! Do you feel up to it now?

— Yes.

— No transplanting, not hurt. We're going in powdered cheminette.

We went down the side path. I was chosen by another wand. I miss my old one. I learned my magic at Hogwarts with it. Ten inches, flexible, chestnut, the same white river monster thorn heart as my old one. We went out:

— I wish that we could fix broken wands. I declare, sadly.

— Do you want to go home?

I saw Fleury and Bott and hesitated.

— Fleury and Bott? asked Leta, smiling.

— Let's go !

I went straight to the new items, nothing interesting. I explored the shelves I know now, just to smell the good books. I came out with nothing, but I felt better. Here, as in all bookshops, I almost always feel better. We went back. A few hours later, Thomas came by. He was his usual, but more worried and protective self, to put it mildly.

— How are you today ?" he asks as he sat down beside me.

— I'm doing better.

— I will check the bandage.

— Thom's," I say, with a slight grumble, this is cute but annoying.

— You know I have to look.

— You're not at work anymore, you know, I tease him.

— Come here please. I agree and he watch. How was your day?

— I went to buy a new wand and check the books. I say, leaving him to it.

— You were supposed to rest," he scold me.

— I rested, but I needed another wand.

— The wound is fine. You know you need to rest, seriously. Promise me that.

— Two days.

— Three days.

— Two.

— We shouldn't be negotiating about this, you know that. He respond, serious.

— Two, that's all you'll get," I accept, stubborn as I am, more than him.

— Two then," he agrees with a sigh. I know you'll rest, since you promised now. He smiles a little.

I know he is worried. This is adorable, but... Leta asks to him:

— Are you staying with us tonight for dinner?

— Yes, he looks at me, I am keeping an eye on you.

— Thomas ! If you say that again, I... I'm not made of sugar!" I snap, starting to get really annoyed fast. I can take care of myself! My friends look at me surprise. Thom's worried, saying softly:

— I know you're not made of sugar. I just want you to take care of yourself.

— I know," I sat more calmly, breathing. I'm sorry. I'm going to go lie down for a bit.

I woke up a little bit later and went out for dinner. It is good to have the four of us together. Thomas left me more alone, which I appreciate. After the meal, we had a game of wizard's chess ! It is great to be right there playing ! 

when the pain is too much to bear (Fantastic Beast OC tome 1)Where stories live. Discover now