What I feel

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Thomas POV

Five minutes, let it go and come back to Rosa. I try to let go of the pain, of seeing her like that, knowing what she feels. I should have done more, insist more ! I saw the signs, I should have help her ! I should have insisted more! The edge, the never talk about it, the nightmare, and more !

I force myself to stop crying, time is up. I can't break right now, for her, I need to be here, to be the strong one. I get of the bathroom, still feeling it, Rosa, I'm sorry. If a could, I would take everything ! I stumble into Theseus, who immediately worry more for me.

—I'm okay, I anticipate the question, lying.

— I know that must be very hard for you.

— You okay ? I evite the question, not watching him.

— I'm okay, I am here if you want to talk.

— I'm going back to Rosa. I say, to get away.

I open the door and rejoins Rosa, peaceful in the bed, resting now at least. Leta after a hug leave the room. Rosa's pulse is good, no dream can come, no bad memories ! I took his hand, to let her know that I am here.

— I am here, Rosa. I am here. This is going to get better, we are here, we're not going anywhere. I am going to do everything to help you, you're going to be okay. I'm never leaving you. I ...

I held back from saying it. The tears came, seeing her like this is unbearable. If I could, I'd take it all, the stroke, the memories. I pull up the blanket, I didn't want her to be cold. I take her hand again, not letting go for too long. I start talking to her again, talking nonsense before reading for her.

An hour later, Norbert try to take over, but I refuse, despite my fatigue. I resume my reading. I gave in when Leta came in, at I don't know what time. I checked that everything was still okay, gave my recommendations, and then went to lie down for an hour. I sent a thank-you owl to Alexandre, who had replaced me at the hospital, and found a replacement for my shift this morning. What time is it? Six a.m. According to my calculations, Rosa should wake up in two or three hours.

Rosa POV

I open my eye, stuggling. Where I am, I thought the room turning. Thomas is here, he... no...no... Memories came flooding back.

— The ..... crucio I cry.

— I know, chu, chu.... he reassures me, taking me in his arms. You .... relived it?

I nod, confuse.

— How do you .... know? How did it stop?

— You were screaming stop. I cast a spell to help you. Is this the first time or not? He asks softly.

I shook my head negatively and the tears came back.

— It's the ..... second time. I ....

— We'll talk about it again, but it's doesn't have to be now.

Perfect, he offers me a hug and I snuggle into his arms and cry, let go of the pain, in safety of his arm.

— I've got a soothing or sleeping potion if you want.

— Sl.... sleep, I choose, tired.

He pours a little into a glass and give it to me, still close of me.

— Here, I'll stay here, I won't move.

— Thank you," I say grateful before taking the drink.

He take me back into his arms while it kicks in, guilt coming to make him live that, him or my friend.

when the pain is too much to bear (Fantastic Beast OC tome 1)Where stories live. Discover now