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Once I have arrived at Osamu's I unlock the door and step inside. It hasn't changed really.

I place down my bag and Bandy. I brought his litter box and litter as well as food and food and water bowl in a spare suitcase. Yes my cat has its own suitcase. I unlock his carrier and he steps out. This isn't the first time he's been here.

"It smells like him. Really good."

I then make my way to the spare bedroom and start to get unpacked. Once I'm through with my things I start on Bandys. I put down a mat then place his little box down on it and fill it up with litter. I then put down his food and water bowls and fill them. Smiling I look at bandy who has made himself comfortable on the bed giving himself a bath.

"Alright bandy. Your all set."

I decided it's time to make arrangements for Jetsu so I get on the phone with who I need to and have a long conversation with them. They tell me I can pick up Jetsus ashes at the end of the week on Friday which is only two days away.

I hang up the phone then lay back on the bed.

"I'm actually sad he's dead."

Bandy meows.

"Oh don't say that he wasn't that mean to you."

Bandy meows again

"What about Osamu?"

Bandy meows

"No we are just best friends— why am I talking to a cat!?"

Bandy meows then rubs up against me.

"It's because your a good listener huh?"

I place my hand on my stomach "I'm feeling abit nauseous."

I then hear the front door open.


I hop up off the bed and make my way into the living room. Once there I see Osamu taking off his hat and shoes.

"I'm here."

Osamu looks at me and smiles. "You hungry?"

I frown but I'm not as nauseous as before.

"Sure, I should probably eat."

Osamu chuckles. "How about beef stir fry?"

This actually sounds really good to me.

"Yes that sounds good. Are you sure though? You have worked all day.."

Samu smirks "I love to cook."

I giggle "your really good at it, blows my mind that your single."

Samu chuckles. "Right."

"Well I made arrangements for Jetsus burial."

"Already? That was alittle to fast." Samu says washing his hands.

"Was it? I usually get right on things. I'm still sad that he died a tragic death but it's not like i murderd him or something. I just want to make sure things are taken care of."

Samu drys his hands "I'm not questioning your motives. I know you mean well."

I nod "Thanks, alright I got to pee be right back."

I quickly run the the bathroom and do my business wash my hand and then walk back into the kitchen. I lean on the door way and watch Samu cut up vegetables. I can't help but think He's super attractive. To say I've always been attractive to Samu is a understatement. He's the whole package.

I walk further into the kitchen and take a seat at the island.

"You know every woman likes a man who can cook."

Samu smirks at me "that include you?"

I giggle "definitely."

Samu chuckles and continues his task and preparing our meals.

"Is it bad that I feel like selling his stuff?"

Sumu hmms "no, what else with you do with it?"

I hmm "I could donate it. I don't even want to stay in that house. Jetsu and I split the house bill, we were roommates."

Samu stops cutting vegetables.

"I got a idea but I'm not sure how you'll take it."

I look up at him "what cha got?"

"Do you want to be my roommate? You could pay me rent. It would be a new experience but I feel confident it would work. We could make the third bedroom a room for your baby. It's not inappropriate if your paying rent and are my roommate."

I blush and look down at your hands.

Should I?

"That's sudden but I could sell the house and move in here I guess. Are you sure your up for living with a woman?"

He starts on the meat now, he chuckles.

"It will be a experience but we can try it. You can have the extra bathroom too."

I smile "Y-Yea let's do it!"

I think it will work, how exciting.

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